How to Make People Respect You in Seconds

5 psychological tips to make people respect you instantly

Luay Rahil


Photo by Ivan Lapyrin on Unsplash

48 Laws of Power is a book that every person breathing air in the world should read.

The book doesn't talk about power as much as it talks about human behavior, psychology, history, sociology, and leadership. I acknowledge that the book could be amoral, and its content should be cautiously used. However, they are necessary laws for anyone who wants to achieve and maintain influence in the 21st century.

I also know that you might not want to read the book because you are afraid that people will label you as a power-hungry person, so I decided to mention five psychological tips that can help you gain people's respect in under 5 minutes without reading the book.

The tips I will discuss should be used cautiously because they will quickly help you gain influence and respect. However, I still want you to focus on maintaining high character and a sound moral foundation.

Here are the 5 tips that will help you gain respect quickly.

1- Dress one slice better than the norm.

My friend, Justin, changed his life by dressing one slice better than anyone else around him.



Luay Rahil

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.