How To Make Procrastination Virtually Impossible In 20 Minutes

It takes 3 steps and a feedback loop.

Sah Kilic


Photo by Ashley West Edwards on Unsplash

Procrastination is doing something easier and more doable when you’ve got work to do that’s hard and not very doable. Let me be clear, “easier and doable” does not mean fun — when’s the last time you procrastinated doing something actually fun?

Looking closer at the times we put things off; we’re never replacing it with anything fun. Netflix, video games, cleaning, scrolling on our phones, nope— none of it’s so enjoyable that we’d put off our work, studies, and hell, our entire life dreams for it, wouldn’t you agree?

Difficult and daunting sucks. What makes a task easy and doable is knowing what the task is, how to do it, and a belief that we can complete it — and if this sounds too simple, think about it.

Every little bit of friction that makes us procrastinate is tied to those factors. Every time we procrastinate, it’s a combination of:

  • Ambiguity in the task — what’re we doing here again?
  • Lack of a method or action plan — how are we doing this?
  • Fear, either deep-seated or obvious — can we even do this?

So the name of the game is to take a hammer to the three points above. It’s pretty…



Sah Kilic

I talk so much I figured I should write some of it down. Join me here: 💪