How to make the most out of your MORNINGS

Eca Fairy
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2022

While some people are productive from the minute they wake up, others are simply not morning people, so this time of the day can lack energy and motivation for them.

Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

I used to be slow and unmotivated in the morning a few years ago, but changing my approach resulted in a morning routine that I want to share with you!

1. Get some fresh air

Right when you wake up, refresh yourself by stepping outside for 2 minutes or by opening a window. Paired with some sunlight, this will boost your energy and vitamin intake.

2. Short self-care routine

It can be just a simple shower, or maybe you even light a candle and put on some music. After the shower, I do my skincare routine (which I will write another article on, so stay tuned!). Some people like to work out, as it energizes them even further, but I prefer to move my body to some music.

Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash

3. Get hydrated!

During sleep, the body uses the water available, which can make you sleepy and unrested when you wake up, so make sure to drink a glass of water right away! I also recommend green juices, warm tea with some lemon, lemon, and ginger water, or fruit fresh. I alternate them every morning to level up my vitamin intake. Also, depending on the ingredients, juices can be nutritious enough to keep you full until your breakfast, so you don’t end up snacking sugary things before.

Photo by Brittney Weng on Unsplash

4. Have breakfast

Now, this is optional. On some mornings I don’t have time to prepare breakfast, then sit down and eat it calmly. Regularly, I do have breakfast though, consisting of proteins, carbs, and veggies, to ensure I remain energetic enough until lunch. Combining aliments is very important, as just one category is not enough and might result in overeating at breakfast or at brunch. I like to stay away from way too sugary foods in the morning especially, as the sugar is processed fast, resulting in a spike, then a crash. This usually happens before lunch and can leave you unable to perform your tasks at full capacity.

Photo by Dani Rendina on Unsplash

Now of course this is just general, so if eating something sweet in the morning works for you, don’t change. If your morning schedule doesn’t allow time for breakfast, try to prepare something healthy and nutritious the day before!

5. Plan your day

It can be a short sketch of your day, but I like to pair it up with a few minutes of deep breaths and meditation. Also, a gratitude journal really comes in handy, as I drink some tea.

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

6. Try morning walks

A morning walk is usually more accessible during the weekend, but I like to take one on some weekdays as well, instead of the car, to my destination. Put on some music or a podcast and move your body! Before trying this, I was pretty skeptical, but now I’m always looking forward to the next refreshing morning walk.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Keeping up with this routine can seem a bit challenging at first, but then mornings might just become the best part of your day!

Especially in autumn, I find great joy in watching the sunrise with a warm drink in hand!

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