How To Make Your Man Feel Manly?

Girl, let him be a man!



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It took three words for me to realize I needed to make a change in the way I treated my husband: “What about me?”

We were arguing and he said, “You know, you do a great job about taking care of finances and often you make decisions without even consulting me. But I constantly get pushed to the bottom of the list. What about me? How can I contribute? Who am I?”

It wasn’t easy to hear, but he was right.

We want so badly to be great moms, loyal friends, great professional women (famous writers), and successful in our careers that our husbands often get put last, or worse, we treat them like another one of the children because it’s just easier to stay in mom mode.

Your husband craves your respect and admiration, but many women shy away from the idea because it feels antiquated. But treating your husband like a man doesn’t make you any weaker or less important. On the contrary, it’s essential for your husband to feel manly!

Try a few of these ways to show you respect and admire him that I have been testing.

Seek his advice.

Many women make all the decisions for the household — what school to put the kids in, what paint to put on the walls, and what streaming service to…




Writer, Screenwriter, Role Model and just ultra-cool babe. I’m fearless. I’m a writer. I don’t quit. I use my imagination to inspire others! I know who I am!