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How To Manage the Fear of the Unknown

Living in the question can be a curse and an opportunity. Here’s how to make the most of this time

Julia E Hubbel
Published in
12 min readApr 9, 2020


This article furthers the discussion about how to manage ourselves and our loved ones through tumultuous times.

When faced with seemingly endless hours each day if you’re in lockdown or dealing with a major loss (or both), a typical Westerner might go mildly batty. At least, in good times. Which is why even on vacation, so many of us drag the office kicking and screaming to the sugar-sand beach. There we find ourselves just as deeply immersed in office politics, if not more so, out of the terrific Fear of Missing Out.

That fear is now exacerbated by Fear of What the Fuck is Going On, or put more bluntly, are any of us going to even have (work, a marriage, a home, a life) when our Conditions evolve into the New Normal, or N2?

This is what it’s like to Live in the Question.

Kindly, this a nod to a reality that many of us have entered, and may not even know they’ve entered: The Neutral Zone.

William Bridges described three phases of Transition, which is the emotional response to Change, which is what happens to us. The description of the process as well as the first phase, which most of us…



Julia E Hubbel

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at More to come soon.