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How To Manifest Someone To Text You?

Published in
7 min readSep 30, 2021


Have you ever had someone text you out of the blue? You know, that one person who just randomly texts you with no explanation about how they got your number or why they’re texting you in the first place. All of a sudden, there’s this new text message on your phone and it’s from an unknown number. It could be nothing, but maybe it is something! If you want to find out what exactly “something” means, keep reading…

How To Manifest Someone To Text You?

Clarify What You Want

The first step to manifesting the person you want to text is clarifying what it is that you want.

The reason this is so important is that if you don’t know exactly what it is you’re looking for, how will anyone else? It’s like fishing in a pond with no bait. You’ll never catch anything! If you can’t be specific about who or what it is that you are looking for, then there’s really nothing more I can tell you other than good luck and happy texting! So let me ask again: What do YOU want??? Clarify now!!!

Concentrate on Your Desires

Now that you know what it is exactly, the next step to manifesting someone to text you is concentrating on your desires.

If you want them to send a message then imagine or visualize just that happening in your mind’s eye right now! What does it look like? How do they find your number and why did they decide to contact YOU out of all people?! Who knows…just see yourself receiving their message.

This will require some concentration so stay focused!!! *

Remember: If you can’t be specific about who or what it is that you’re looking for, how will anyone else??? The last part of this process requires some patience. After you’ve clarified your desires and concentrated on them, just be patient! Be prepared for some long days or weeks of waiting because it’s during this phase that the Universe gets busy fulfilling your every wish.

So don’t become impatient if you’re not contacted right away. It could take a few hours, a couple of days, or even months until they decide to send their message so just relax and go about your day as usual!

The Whisper Method

The Whisper Method is a technique for manifesting what you want into your reality that was created by the author of The Secret, Rhonda Byrne. You can use this method to attract anything you desire like love, money, and success.

The Whisper Method is all about whispering what you want in order to manifest it into your life! It’s as simple as that. All you have to do is whisper aloud three times what it is that you want and then say thank you out loud three times too.

If done correctly with sincerity, energy, and faith; these words will be picked up by the Universe and brought right back down to earth so they land at your feet! Now don’t worry if this sounds easy because it is! You just need to follow the instructions, be specific about what it is that you want and give gratitude in order for The Whisper Method to work its magic.

Remember: It’s Your Intentions That Matter Most

As I was saying before when writing this blog post, your intentions are truly all that matters most because they act as magnets that attract whatever it is that you desire into your life so keep them positive!!!

One last thing…be patient with yourself during each phase of manifesting someone who texts you, especially if there’s no immediate result at first glance. If things seem like they’re not working out then try these tips again or even do something completely different but don’t lose faith!

Manifestation takes time; sometimes days, weeks, or even months so just keep at it. If you do this with the right intentions and patience then your wish will come true!

The Phone Visualization Technique

This method allows you to visualize who will text you and when they will do it in order to create an opportunity where they can contact you. It’s as simple as that! All you have to do is follow these instructions:

Get out your phone right now and set the wallpaper background on your phone screen to be whatever photo or design it is that represents this person; then go into Settings > Sounds & Notifications > Ringtone (or Vibrate) and select whatever ringtone best suits them like their favorite song, sound effect, etc.; finally, make sure the volume of this ringtone is loud enough so you can hear it from your pocket or purse. After that, just read the following out loud:

“Thank you for this wonderful person coming into my life soon and being ready to text me with their message of ___________ (insert whatever information they will provide here).”

Once finished reading then sit back, relax, enjoy some music on your phone if desired; clear your mind completely; and let the Universe do its thing! If done correctly with sincerity, energy, and faith; these words will be picked up by the Universe and brought right back down to earth so they land at your feet!

It’s as simple as that!!! Like I said before…be patient because The Phone Visualization Technique takes time; sometimes days, weeks, or even months so just keep at it. If you do this with the right intentions and patience then your wish will come true!

The Pillow Method

The Pillow Method is one of the most popular methods to manifest a text. You can do this by setting your intention for what you want, then placing your cellphone on your pillow, and waiting for it to ring.

The key with this method is that there are no distractions while you wait for the text on your phone — so make sure to put it in airplane mode or turn off notifications before putting it on the pillow! One of the best features of this method is that if you need some help sleeping at night, all you have to do is keep texting yourself until you fall asleep.

This way, when morning comes around and you wake up, everything will be right where it should be!

>If after three days of doing The Pillow Method you still haven’t gotten the text, it is time to move on and try another method.

The Dreamcatcher Method

Another great way that people have been manifesting texts with success is through The Dreamcatcher Method. This method revolves around a legend from Native American culture about a spider named Spider Grandmother who dreams of all our pasts and futures.

Her web catches those dreams so we can remember them before they slip away forever — but she also uses her web as protection against bad dreams! This magical net was known as a dream catcher, which is what this method takes its inspiration from. In order to use this technique for getting someone’s attention via texting, do not sleep at night until your cell phone rings!

Make sure to go into dream catcher mode the moment you wake up in the morning, so your dreams are protected at night! Once again, if after three days of this method and there is still no text from that person — it’s time to move on.

The Rubber Band Method

A slightly different approach than The Pillow or Dreamcatcher methods can be done by using a rubber band wrapped around your index finger. This one probably sounds counterintuitive but have you ever thought about how being held back can actually push us forward?

Sometimes we need someone out of our lives because they’re holding us down with their negativity. If this is true for you then maybe it would help to get rid of them altogether. But conversely, sometimes people are not ready to be in our lives. Maybe they are not ready to make a commitment or they don’t feel the same way about us as we do them.

This is where this method can help by manifesting someone who makes your heart flutter! By placing a rubber band around your index finger, you will attract that person into your life because subconsciously you’ll know something isn’t right if things are out of place — just like putting on an elastic bracelet when one breaks! If after three days there is still no text from that special someone, it’s time to move on to another technique…

The Sticker Method

For those who have tried everything else and reached their wit's end with trying to get someone’s attention via texting, The Sticker Method is the last stop. If you haven’t had any success with other techniques, then maybe it’s time to take matters into your own hands and manifest a text from that special someone via The Sticker Method.

The first part of this method involves writing out what you hope for on a sticky note — such as “I want (person) to text me!” Then place the note somewhere under your coffee mug or inside your purse so there are no distractions! Every day before going about your business make sure to do whatever action will be necessary in order to get that person who has been occupying space in your brain all up in there!

For example, if they’re really active on social media, try commenting on their pictures over and over again until they finally text you!

Recite Positive Affirmations

In order to be successful, you need positive energy. Positive thoughts and feelings will improve your life by increasing your confidence and making it easier for you to achieve whatever is important to you. You can start this process by reciting a few of these affirmations. It’s also a good idea to recite them every day because the more often they are repeated, the more likely they are to manifest in reality!


You can manifest someone to text you by using a variety of methods. You may find that the Rubber Band Method is right for your needs, or The Sticker Method if things don’t work out with other techniques.

Remember: persistence pays off! There’s no harm in trying different approaches until you get what you want from somebody — even if it takes multiple attempts. In order to be successful, remember to have positive thoughts and feelings as well as recite affirmations every day so they become real!

