How to Maximize Small Spaces with These Organizing Tips

Decluttering and living with less to optimize your home space

J.M. Troppello
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2020


Photo Credit: Roman Mager on

We recently downsized and moved to a new, smaller home home. Living in a smaller home, condo, or apartment can be difficult — especially if you previously lived in a larger place. Unless you want to live in a cluttered space, you may need to get creative with how you organize the new place.

Throughout the unpacking process, I tackled the kitchen, linen closet, and bathroom first. I definitely had to get creative. It took a bit longer to get everything unpacked because I had to figure out how to make everything fit into our smaller place.

If you need to organize a smaller space — whether your home, office, or other area, consider using some of the following organization tips.

1. Start with decluttering

Begin with decluttering. We didn’t want to bring unnecessary items to our new place, so in addition to packing, I needed to do a lot of decluttering. It felt good purging our clothes, furniture, and unwanted items.

Some items like our dresser and clothes we gave to Liberty Thrift Ministries, which is a local thrift store that supports a prison ministry. Other items like our highboy dresser we sold on the Let

