How To Measure Your Sleep Quality — The Key To Improving Your Sleep

There are many things that add to proper sleep



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We all want good sleep. It sets our day. Good sleep keeps our body healthy and provides a break for our busy minds. We process our day in dreamland while preparing ourselves for another. We thrive on energy.

You’ll be able to read a dozen articles on how to improve your sleep. While trying out many different practical tips is great, there is one thing many overlook.

Improving our sleep starts with measuring what our sleep is like right now.

Sure, you could stick to a strict sleep schedule, but if the amount of caffeine you consume during the day makes you wake up all the time, you won’t be able to improve much.

People that are in therapy for insomnia or any other sleep disorders will always have to start by structurally measuring their sleep. It’s the foundation we build on towards recovery.

Measuring our sleep will uncover what it is exactly that we should improve upon. It’s underrated — perhaps because people don’t really see the point, but perhaps because people don’t know what there is to measure besides the number of hours we sleep.

A guide to measuring our sleep quality




Clinical Psychologist and aspiring doctor. Passionate about psychobiological wellbeing and in love with history.