How to Monetize Clubhouse

Meiko S. Patton
Published in
6 min readMar 16, 2021


Copywriter Mike Becker Generates $170,000 in 60 days

Copywriter Mike Becker

Meaningful in-person connection was all but erased in 2020. Enter, Clubhouse, the all audio-based app that saved our disconnected lives. Clubhouse instantly gave way to the emergence of a listening culture, one in which the power of our collective voices was amplified.

Connection with like-minded ones on the app is immediate and intimate. It is interconnection and inclusivity at its finest. Living in a sea of isolation brought on by the pandemic, this app made people feel alive again. When you are brought up onto the stage to speak, there is a nervousness in your chest that stems from excitement, because you never know who is listening and how your statements will impact that person.

That was true of Copywriter Mike Becker.

Mike joined the platform on New Year’s Eve and spent 70 hours a week learning and dissecting how to monetize it. He was continually brought on stage by Marketing Specialist Perry Belcher and others. He gave massive value by giving of his knowledge and expertise. This allowed him to make connections with others on the app and in just two months he’s been able to generate nearly $170,000 in revenue.


I help my clients which are my partners as a copywriter in the beauty, cosmetics, skincare, health, nutrition and supplements space.

As a copywriter and direct response marketer, I craft sales messages, design sales funnels, write back-end emails, and create upsells. I look at the data from these businesses and I help them improve their conversions.

I don’t charge people upfront because it allows me to build partnerships based on my performance. I partner with companies so I either have equity in the business get a percentage of the sales. That’s why I’m always inside those pitch rooms on Clubhouse. I’m looking to hear people pitch in the industry that I specialize in, so we can make a deal.

Clubhouse has been a real game-changer. I go into a room, speak and people are literally hitting me up in my DMs. So, people hear you talk, they look at your bio, look at your Instagram and they reach out to you. It’s so different from Facebook, where I have close to 5,000 friends and I don’t know any of them. But I just started a few months ago on Clubhouse, and it’s been crazy.”


I’m a data freak and I like to analyze new platforms. I tracked on my iPhone the amount of time I spent on Clubhouse for the first week and it was 70 hours. My goal was to learn, listen and find out what was going on. My number one goal was to figure out how to take my time that I planned on spending in Clubhouse and monetize it.


I’ve been on the platform since New Year’s Eve and in the first two months, I’ve generated close to $170,000. To have been able to close that much business in that short of time is pretty crazy.


I’ve coined the phrase called the Dot Club Funnel. Because what’s really cool and popular right now are the dot club extensions for your domains. Pretty much overnight these extensions for websites blew up because they were only one dollar. So, people bought the domain with the dot club extension, because they knew Clubhouse was the next big thing. Then they created a club on Clubhouse and attached a funnel on that website. People are selling courses, products, consulting, you name it.


Traffic is the number one problem people have when It comes to websites and funnels. So, the way to solve that is to open up a room or go into a room and talk. The first thing you’ll notice is your DMs filling up on Instagram. You’ll also get follows. If you have a website connected, people will click it. You’ll automatically start getting traffic on your website. If you have a funnel on your website, you’ll start getting sales. It’s a great way for entrepreneurs to start getting sales right now, even if you’re just starting out.

If you sell a $100 product ten times a day, that’s $1,000, for just running a room for three or four hours. If you do that every day for 30 days, you’ve earned $30,000 just for that month. So, anyone can literally come into Clubhouse right now and start making money today. You can start making money from day one.


My business partner, Joseph Ortega, and I tested this. When we first got on Clubhouse, we ran a room for a month straight. We ran it every single day. It was a pitch room where people could pitch their businesses. So, we created a website called million-dollar pitch dot club and all we did was run a masterclass for $20 that they could watch on the best way to pitch on Clubhouse and how to perfect their pitch. Then we upsold people to a $1,000.00 product in which we would write their pitches for them.

In the Clubhouse room we would say, if you need help with your pitch, we’ve got this three-hour masterclass, if you go to our website, you can get it for $20. After they bought it, they were put into a funnel and the next thing they would see was the $1,000.00 offer to have the pitch script written for them. They bought it because we provided so much massive value in Clubhouse. Joseph and I were able to run a room and generate sales to prove that this strategy works.


I sold $10,000.00 dot club funnels.

If you have a room, have a business and product, I will create a funnel, write it and launch it for you for $10,000.00. This is a huge discount because other professionals charge $100K to do what I’m doing.


After doing this, I learned that I don’t need to spend 70 hours a week on Clubhouse and I don’t need 10,000 followers. I’ve learned to be more strategic with my time. Now, I simply go into other rooms with top influencers and engage with them. Perry Belcher followed me one my first week and he has brought me up on his stages to speak and that’s how I grow my following now.

I just got off the phone negotiating a deal I made on Clubhouse for 15 percent equity in a company that sells health solutions. In addition, they offered me a position to come as copy chief for an even greater stake. There are copywriters and freelancers out there that are still getting paid per hour or per assignment. The problem with that is that you are constantly headhunting for clients. That’s why my clients are my partners and I’m not hirable as a copywriter. That’s another reason why Clubhouse has become a game-changer. I can open a room and either seek out my ideal business partner or they can hear me speak and seek me out.

It’s a win-win.

Be sure to listen and subscribe to the full interview on Clubhouse Lead Gen.


The best way to know if you are making an impact on Clubhouse, like Mike is to know your stats. A great tool to use is Direcon. It lets you know who is in the audience, the current room stats and the rooms history.

Direcon Audience
Direcon Current Room
Direcon Room History

These numbers are great for any marketer because it lets you know what rooms you can jump into and make the biggest impact on. If you’re a numbers geek, make sure you sign up for it today.

And if you have mad skills as a moderator, they are currently hiring a Direcon Community Manager.

