How to Naturally Stave-Off Dementia, According to A Brain Surgeon

Key insights from studies in neuroscience



Photo by juan mendez from pexels

By Destiny Femi

“When someone has dementia,” Dr. Henry Brodaty, a world-leading authority on aging and dementia, said, “the person’s brain shrinks to half its size.”

Though most people don’t have dementia later in life, it’s still among the top worries of most elderly people. It affects about 50 million people around the world and based on the stats, there’ll be over 150 million people with dementia by 2050.

But can we prevent dementia? Well, according to Dr. Rahul Jandial, a neurosurgeon, these easy-to-implement steps have proven to stave off dementia in his experience as a neurosurgeon.

The importance of skipping a meal

“When you wake up, consider skipping breakfast a couple of times a week,” Dr. Rahul said to Dr. Ragan a few minutes into their discussion.

In neuroscience journals and from what has been found about its biology, intermittent fasting of about sixteen hours a couple of times a week will make your liver run out of its glucose reserves, after which it will burn fat until it starts using ketones. And ketones, as studies have shown, are not just fuel for the body, they greatly…




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