How To Not Waste Your Life Away? Do This To Optimise Your Time

Insights with Marcus
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2022


Guide to implying your life

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

At any given moment in a day you probably have millions of things going on in your mind, things to do, things to get settled, things to work on, etc.

It can be pretty overwhelming.

There is the reality that we only have 24 hours a day so you can do only the best you can with the limited amount of available resources.

What do most people do?

Most people do what comes to their mind, and whatever is at the bottom of the list may or may not get done if they remember it at all.

Then there are those that schedule their lives and what they want to do with their lives around their jobs, their families etc. This leaves them feeling exhausted at the end of the day to do anything for themselves. This is the common route for most people.

Here is what you can do instead

1. Figure out what is important to you

Understanding you only have a limited number of hours in a limited lifespan, do things that matter to you.

Stop focusing on the unnecessary fluff and focus on the main items that fill your life. You don’t have forever to make your decision.

The older you get, the fewer options are made available to you.

Saying “yes” to something means saying “no” to something else.

If you love traveling, hiking, and baking, do more of it. Stop fretting about the small stuff.

2. Prioritise

Since we all understand our limited time and resources, prioritise what matters most.

If you need to drop off things that eat up your time unnecessarily do it. Stop worrying if you will hurt other people’s feelings that you can’t hang out with them when you need to prioritise your own business or your own family time.

The way I do this, is I pick 1 to 2 things that I need to get done each day. It doesn’t need to be extremely hard or complicated, it could even be simple things, like loading the laundry, or reading 1 page of a book.

When I complete it, I feel good I completed my task for the day.

3. Organise your thoughts

Mental health has been a big topic we often read about and should prioritise. Personally, I think mental health is so important because our mental projects into our physical well-being. It's hard to be physically strong and active when your mind is mentally weak.

Take time to rest your mind, clear your thoughts and do things that make you happy.

You might even want to journal or sit outside at the park enjoying the trees and greenery.

What I’ve come to realise

People are happier when they feel they are reaching their full potential, whether in their jobs, business, or self-development. Next, people are happier when they have strong relationships with their partners, families and friends.

Lastly, people who live purposeful life rarely have regrets.

