How to overcome depression with small steps

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed on your life path?

Mr. Huseyin


Photo by Gabriel on Unsplash

Do you feel so overwhelmed sometimes when life is on its way? A big ox on your chest, and you think you’re doing everything so you don’t breathe. Are things that you used to do so easily so difficult now?

This situation is called anxiety. We can’t usually comment on what we call depression. We think of him as an enemy of our soul and body. But, anxiety is a message that both our soul and our body have tried to give us. It gives us the following message;

There’s a problem in your life, and I want you to solve it. If you don’t solve this problem, you’ll get more damage.

If we can interpret the depression correctly and know better what to do at that time, we will get rid of the depression and somehow make our lives better. I want to talk about some rules that you should consider in your life for times like this.

We pay a price for everything we have in life. For example, you work, you make money. You work for him, you give him time. You fall in love with that job and give away some of your freedom. Or you’ll have a son, and you’ll have to put in a lot of hard work and invest for them. So whatever you get, you pay a price for it. If the difference between what you pay and what you get…



Mr. Huseyin

Someone who likes to write in many fields, especially technology, science and education