How to Overcome Your Anger

Reena Gupta
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3 min read2 days ago


What is the purpose of anger? what are the effects of anger? Can it affect your well-being? Read….

Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

Anger is a feeling or emotion that rages from mild irritation to intense furry and rage.

Many people often confuse anger with aggression. aggression is the behaviour that is intended to cause harm or injury to another person or damage the property.

While anger is an expression of intense emotion, anger can trigger the body toward a fight-or-flight response, causing the adrenal glands to flood the body with stress hormones.

Recall that time when you fell into the trap of anger.

The reaction of the expression of this emotion is different in all humans. But its evil effects are long-term and the same for all.

To know about Anger and anger management you might read..


Anger is one of the most primitive emotions we experience. animals are also equipped with the same basic neural circuitry.

Then what is the difference between animals and humans? That is an important aspect of research.

That difference is your expression, your behaviour. and how we act on it. It operates on a spectrum from mild frustration to absolute fury.

Here one more question is important what is the difference between the anger of men and women?

It is often seen that men are on average more outwardly aggressive than women so it might be assumed that they are angrier. However, research has consistently found that women experience anger as frequently and intensely as men. But they are better able to control their anger.

One more important question that pops up in our mind is that...

Does anger always have a negative role?

The outward expression of anger can alter the way you are perceived.

Anger is sometimes when it is expressed as a fight mode against suppression or negativity.

But Anger becomes a problem when it is felt too intensely. Is felt frequently or is expressed inappropriately. it places extreme physical strain on the body.

The evil effects of anger are innumerable. the first thing that happens to an angry person is that he forgets the lesson of wisdom. after that, he loses control over his thoughts and emotions.

he becomes overactive with his highly charged ego, as his only guide. He loses his power of discrimination, and sense of proportion, and becomes aggressive in a manner, hostile to his own welfare.

when anger becomes the second nature of a person, physical health and equanimity of mind suffer and inner peace vanishes in a trice. To know about how to maintain inner peace read the title “Path from Restlessness to Peace” which will be published next week.

Anger can destroy friendships, families, business partnerships, and professional prospects. Communal and ethnic riots, arsons, wars, suicides, and many other forms of crime are basically products of anger.

In fact anger makes even a handsome person look ugly. A person who is regretful about his flashes of anger could keep a large mirror facing his office desk. In the case the anger-prone person has a lively sense of humour, mirror therapy is likely to work.

“Anger does not solve anything.

it builds nothing,

But it can destroy everything.”

So always keep in mind that patience leads to understanding but impatience leads to stupid mistakes.

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Reena Gupta

Reena Gupta is an educator, writer, Blogger, Coach, Homemaker, and Plant lover. Completed B.Ed. from M.U. P.G.(Psychology) from Dehradun, M.Ed. from NIT(KKR).