How to Overcome Your Personal Weaknesses in 3 Steps

Getting stronger is all about strengthening your mental frame.

Jessey Anthony


How to Improve Your Weaknesses
Photo by Thaís Sarmento of Pexels

There was a time I used to be grumpy. I was working in an IT firm, and the job was too demanding. Sometimes, I would think of escaping to an unknown destination or wonder in the desert rather than working and meeting my aggressive boss.

I admit it was my first time doing data entry jobs, and I was terrible at it.

Though I was taking a course on computer training to foster my efficiency, I constantly doubted my ability to complete a task. Maybe I wasn’t putting much time and effort into such a task, or I avoided doing it altogether.

This made me hate my job. Still, I wouldn’t quit. I was determined to learn even though I wasn’t happy with the boss I had. My incompetence at the job, however, led to self-doubt and lower self-esteem.

The truth is my incompetence at work did not just affect my professional life; it also spread to my intimate relationships.

I didn’t feel like I deserved the men I was with. I was ashamed to be around their friends because, in my mind, I saw myself as a dummy.

In my head, I thought, “if I couldn’t handle my job well, what makes me think I have anything good to contribute to…



Jessey Anthony

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: