How To Pet Sit a Cat All The Tips And Tricks To Become An Expert Pet Sitter (Where To Apply Included)

Pawsome PetsLoop
Published in
6 min readJun 18, 2023
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Pet sitting a cat is a rewarding responsibility that requires a wealth of knowledge and understanding. Whether you’re caring for a cat as a favour for a friend, a family member, or as a professional pet sitter, it’s essential to approach the task with care, expertise, and a commitment to the cat’s well-being. This comprehensive guide will provide valuable tips, insights, and in-depth knowledge on how to pet-sit a cat successfully. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a safe, comfortable, and enriching experience for you and the cat. Let’s delve into the world of feline care and discover the secrets to becoming an exceptional cat sitter.

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Familiarize Yourself with the Cat’s Routine and Preferences:
Before beginning your cat sitting assignment, gather as much information as possible about the cat’s routine, feeding schedule, litter box habits, and any specific preferences they may have. Cats are creatures of habit, and maintaining their established routine helps reduce stress and anxiety. Understanding their preferences, such as their favourite hiding spots or toys, will enable you to provide personalized care and make them feel at ease in their familiar environment.

Create a Safe and Stimulating Environment:
To ensure the cat’s safety and well-being, thoroughly cat-proof the space where they will stay. Remove any potential hazards such as toxic plants, small objects they could swallow, or cords they could get tangled in. Secure windows and balconies to prevent accidental escapes. Provide a comfortable resting area with a cosy bed, blankets, and familiar items that carry their scent, such as the worn t-shirt of the owner. Additionally, offer various toys, scratching posts, and climbing structures to mentally and physically stimulate the cat.

Establish Trust and Bonding:
Building trust with the cat is crucial for a successful pet-sitting experience. Cats are sensitive creatures and may be wary of unfamiliar individuals. Approach them calmly and allow them to initiate contact at their own pace. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that could startle them. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, gentle play, and soothing petting to create a positive association with your presence. Respect their boundaries and give them space when needed. Over time, a strong bond of trust and companionship will form.

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Maintain Consistency in Feeding and Hygiene:
Adhering to the cat’s regular feeding schedule is vital to their well-being. Please provide them with the same type and brand of food they are accustomed to, as sudden changes in diet can upset their digestive system. Ensure that fresh water is always available. Regularly clean and scoop the litter box to provide a clean and odour-free environment. Cats are clean animals and appreciate a hygienic space. Maintaining consistency in their feeding and hygiene routines creates a sense of security and familiarity for the cat.

Engage in Enriching Play and Mental Stimulation:
Cats have natural hunting instincts and require mental and physical stimulation to thrive. Engage in interactive play sessions using toys mimicking prey-like movements, such as wands or treat-dispensing toys. Rotate the toys to keep their interest and provide new challenges. Additionally, set aside time for play and bonding activities tailored to the cat’s preferences, whether chasing a laser pointer, batting at a feather toy, or engaging in gentle wrestling. These activities provide exercise and help alleviate boredom, reduce stress, and strengthen the bond between you and the cat.

Monitor Health and Behavior:
As a cat sitter, it’s crucial to closely observe the cat’s behaviour and monitor their overall health. Pay attention to changes in appetite, water intake, litter box usage, grooming habits, and general demeanour. Look for signs of distress, discomfort, or any unusual behaviours. Common symptoms of any illness include changes in eating or drinking habits, excessive hiding, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhoea, or difficulty urinating. If you notice any concerning changes, contact the cat’s owner immediately and, if necessary, seek veterinary attention. Early detection of health issues can prevent complications and ensure timely treatment.

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Maintain Open Communication with the Cat Owner: Regular and transparent communication with the cat owner is essential throughout the pet sitting period. Stay in touch through phone calls, text messages, or video calls to provide updates on the cat’s well-being and address any concerns. Discuss any notable changes in behaviour, appetite, or health and follow the owner’s specific instructions or guidelines. This open line of communication helps build trust, ensures you’re providing consistent care, and gives the owner peace of mind knowing their beloved pet is in good hands.

Respect Personal Boundaries and Individual Preferences:
Each cat has its unique personality and preferences. Respect their boundaries and avoid forcing interactions if the cat shows signs of discomfort or retreats. Ensure they have quiet spaces where they can retreat and feel safe when they need alone time. Some cats prefer solitary activities, while others enjoy lap time and cuddles. Understanding and respecting their needs creates a harmonious environment that promotes their well-being and strengthens the bond between you and the cat.

Be Prepared for Emergencies:
Although emergencies are rare, it’s crucial to be prepared for unforeseen situations during your cat-sitting assignment. Have the contact information for the cat’s owner, their preferred veterinarian, and the nearest emergency veterinary clinic readily available. Familiarize yourself with basic feline first aid procedures and keep a well-stocked kit for cats. The kit should include gauze, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, styptic powder, and a pet thermometer. Being prepared and knowing how to respond in emergencies can make a significant difference in the outcome for the cat.

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Document and Share Special Moments:
Capture special moments and share them with the cat’s owner. Take photos or videos of your interactions, playtime, and notable behaviours. Sharing these moments provides the owner with reassurance that their beloved feline is in good hands and allows them to feel connected to their pet even when they’re away. Additionally, documenting any unusual behaviour or health-related observations can be helpful for the owner and the veterinarian if any issues arise during the cat sitting period.

Websites for Finding Pet Sitting Opportunities:
If you’re interested in expanding your pet-sitting services or looking for opportunities to pet-sit cats, several websites can connect you with pet owners needing reliable and caring sitters. These platforms offer a convenient way to find pet-sitting gigs and establish a reputation as a trustworthy pet sitter. Some popular websites for finding pet-sitting opportunities include:

  1. Rover (
  2. (
  3. (
  4. TrustedHousesitters (
  5. PetBacker (

Exploring these websites can provide you with various pet-sitting opportunities and help you connect with cat owners who value reliable and knowledgeable sitters.

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Pet sitting a cat requires patience, attentiveness, and a genuine love for feline companionship. By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for you and the cat. Remember to prioritize their well-being, establish trust, maintain routines, and provide love and attention. Sitting a cat can be an excellent opportunity to create a meaningful bond with a furry friend and positively impact their lives. Enjoy the journey of being a cat sitter and cherish the memories you’ll make.

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Note: Pawsome Tips and Tricks Blog and Publication offers expert pet care advice, covering behaviour, grooming, and nutrition. Petshop is your trusted online store for a wide range of high-quality pet products. Elevate your pet care knowledge and find top-notch supplies at these trusted sources.



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