How to Post Your Blog on Medium Without Hurting Your Website’s Ranking

Isabella's Digital Café
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2023

You’re a passionate blogger with a wealth of insights to share, and you’ve likely considered Medium as a platform to amplify your voice. But, that lingering question remains: Could posting your blog on Medium influence your prized website’s ranking on Google? Let’s delve into this and discover the truth.

The Nuanced Answer

When it comes to Google’s intricate algorithms, duplicate content can be a red flag. If you’re thinking of merely copying and pasting your blog post onto Medium, beware! Google might interpret this as repetitive content, potentially leading to a drop in your website’s ranking. However, a clever workaround is to adapt your content for Medium. Rewrite, rephrase, and reframe your thoughts — this can significantly reduce the risk of Google’s penalization.

The Traffic Advantage

But wait, there’s a twist. Sharing your content on Medium doesn’t have to be a double-edged sword. If you can attract substantial traffic from Medium to your website, Google takes note. A surge in traffic suggests your content resonates with audiences, possibly resulting in a positive impact on your website’s ranking. In essence, Medium can become your ally in the quest for higher search result placements.

Quality Content Prevails

The content’s quality, of course, is the star of the show. Google values informative, high-quality content. So, even if your article graces both your website and Medium, as long as it delivers value and expertise, Google is less likely to frown upon the duplication.

Navigating the Medium Maze: Actionable Steps

1. Revamp for Medium: Craft a Medium version that maintains the essence but offers fresh insights.

2. Promote Synergy: Promote your Medium posts on your website and across your social media platforms to drive traffic back to your site.

3. Optimize with Care: Employ SEO strategies on Medium — use pertinent keywords in titles, meta descriptions, and content itself.

4. Master the Rel=”Canonical” Tag: This HTML tag communicates the original content source to Google. It’s like a VIP pass for your content, ensuring the right version takes the spotlight.

5. Expert Consultation: When in doubt, consult an SEO expert for tailored guidance.

The Rel=”Canonical” Tag: Your Content’s Guardian Angel

Picture this: You’ve posted your blog on Medium, and it’s a hit. Yet, you’re cautious about its impact on your website’s SEO. Here’s where the rel=”canonical” tag swoops in as a superhero.

This tag helps Google distinguish the prime version of your content and, in turn, enhances your SEO strategy. Picture having multiple copies of your content — a common occurrence. The rel=”canonical” tag firmly points Google toward the original, maintaining clarity and optimizing your rankings.

Implementation is a breeze:

1. Navigate to Your Medium Article

2. Click the Three Dots in the top-right corner

3. Select “Edit Story”

4. Find “Advanced Settings”

5. Tick “This story was originally published elsewhere”

6. Insert the Original Article’s URL

7. Click “Save canonical link”

Voilà! Google now recognizes your website’s version as the star of the show, diminishing any negative impact.

Leveraging Medium’s Strengths

Here’s a nugget: Medium boasts a robust domain authority — Google respects its credibility. With its extensive, engaged readership, your Medium posts can shine in search results. Plus, the platform offers a gateway to new audiences, a definite win for your content strategy.

Embrace Medium’s Power

In the grand scheme of things, the Medium dilemma isn’t as bleak as it seems. By wisely adapting your content, employing strategic optimization, and embracing the rel=”canonical” tag, you’re on the path to SEO success. So, go ahead and wield Medium’s power to your advantage — your website’s ranking might just thank you for it.

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Isabella's Digital Café

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