How To Practice ‘The Joy Of Missing Out’ And To Say ‘No’ When It Matters Most

Reflections from a Covid-survivor towards the opposite of FOMO

Kristina God, MBA


How To Practice ‘The Joy Of Missing Out’ And To Say ‘No’ When It Matters Most; Kristina God; Coffee photo created by cookie_studio

We’re all familiar with the concept of FOMO — the Fear of Missing Out. But what about its opposite — the Joy of Missing Out?

As it turns out, I’ve been practising JOMO behaviour for over a year without knowing it, and it’s good for my mind.

As Corona came to dominate the media, I was reminded of a German self-help book I bought years ago with the hope of clearing my mind. It reminded me of the tip to consume as little news as possible, to reduce social media consumption, and to put the smartphone aside. In fact, research shows that the really important events are communicated via family and friends anyway.

Meanwhile, the ‘noise of the day’, all the ‘just now’, ‘this is the current status’, ‘5 minutes ago’ and so on, is swallowed up so you don’t have to deal with filtering and selecting it and thus feeling ‘maxed out’ or ‘not having the bandwidth. The majority of the news is obsolete because the news cycle churns violently.

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Kristina God, MBA

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I Copywriter⚡Join my Online Writing Club: