How To Prepare For A Virtual Interview
4 practical tips to help you ace your next virtual interview
Gone are the days where the difference between a stern handshake and a limp fish could be the one thing to determine if you got the job or not. Where all you needed to win over an interviewer was steady eye contact and an amicable disposition.
Thanks to the pandemic, all of the tools we once wielded with apt to win the hearts of interviewers everywhere are now useless. Anachronist to a time many say we’ll soon forget entirely. The rules of the game have changed, and it’s important to have a good understanding of just how different the job market is before you step into your next interview. Because chances are, you won’t be doing any “stepping” at all.
Nowadays, it’s all about the virtual interview. And the rules of engagement for interviewers and interviewees have changed significantly. Yes, some general sentiments have remained. For example, it’s still important that you show up to your interview with an elevator pitch, plenty of anecdotes to speak to your potential and maybe even a dapper fit to wow your temporary audience
The difference lies in the way you show up. Because in order to be successful in the world of virtual interviews, you’ll have to get smart, think quick and pray that the Fates will…