How to Prepare for The World Heading into Its Dooms

Not only surviving, but also thriving

Melia Sana
4 min readJul 28, 2022


Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Nothing good on the news nowadays. Everyday we are being fed by the news of another potential cathastrophe this earth will face in the near future. You probably have heard some of them. In Europe, people are battling with heatwaves, raising concern toward climate change. The summer soon turn to winter, and our European friends is threatened by the lack of electricity, due to tensions with its biggest energy provider Russia.

Across the pond, in the US, just this morning I read the news of another famous tech company deploying layoffs and hiring freeze. Are jobs going to disappear?

Okay, I’ll just list the doomsday stuff to make it quick: Recession, global political unrest, rising prices, housing market crash, rising temperatures, and Putin.

Hearing these news, often we can’t help but panic. Anxiety rises inside our body and we feel tense. Are we going to be okay? What should we do? Why is everything spiraling out of control? Am I going to be saved from whatever it is coming our way?

Take a breathe. Actually, that’s what I am telling myself right now. Writing paragraphs above got me anxious.

I’ve been coming out with a plan. I hope it can help us getting through whatever to come.

Looking at your immediate surrounding

“Touch grass!”

I have no idea when that expression begin to get popular on social media, but what the message is about was clear. A low-key insult to us whose noses seems to not be able to separate from the screen. We live not only in our head sometimes, but also within the proximity of our gadgets. And boy, how they’re bad influence.

When I feel overwhelmed, I like to drag myself into the nearest window then stare outside. Sometimes I’d literally touch grass by going into the small garden I’ve been nurturing.

Focusing on the present is a proven method to ease anxiety.

Paying attention to the immediate surrounding help you gain back that sense of control you lose when you get overwhelmed with bad news.

A clean house, a well-stocked fridge, healthy children. Everything, at least for now, is alright. Often, that’s the most important thing.

Connect with people you are close with

There is strength in numbers. If we are heading into the doom future, it’s better to not go there alone.

Reach out to family and friends and build a close connection to them. They are the immediate social support you have. With them, you can build a strong group that help each other in times of hardships.

As an old proverb once say, if you want to go far, go together.

Go back to your ‘goal anchor’

I have this personal mantra that has helped me going through plenty of difficult life circumtances. The mantra is, whatever is happening with the world, or even my personal life, keep stay on the planned path toward my goald.

No matter how’s the situation is, keep moving on.

For example, I have a goal to write everyday. So, I don’t care if tomorrow the world is in chaos, I will have to stick with my goal.

Consistency is the strategy. Treat news as some kind of noises. If you focus too much on it, it will distract you from things that actually matter.

“It will get better.”

Practical preparation

Being prepared lessen the burden in mind. At least you have some form of controls should misfortune befall upon you.

Sizable emergency fund can help you go through life if you get laid off.

An extra income helps paying the increasing electricity bills. Combined that with reducing energy usage. Installing your own solar panel is also a good idea if you are willing to go extra.

Start planting your own vegetables to help save groceries.

Take action. There must be something you can do to prepare for the worst cases you fear to happen. Taking action is better than doing nothing.

Finding balance to the news

I have said earlier how news contributed negatively to our mental health. You might be already advised to avoid it. In opinion, complete avoidance is unhealthy either.

One of the reason you can be well-prepared because you are well informed. News help with information. The key is finding the balance. Doomscrolling is certainly ain’t it, but complete avoidance is like dismissing the existence of real world.

Some tips on finding balance includes being mindful with how we surround ourselves with social media and scheduling news consumption. Instead of everyday, try weekly or biweekly news time. You aren’t the president, you don’t need to get updated on world matters everyday.

So much anxiety these days because of the economic and political chaos happening in the world. Feeling lost is normal and expected. But like my grandma often said about misfortunes, everything will be alright. Eventually the situation will improve. Have faith that you can get through it well and avoid spiralling into a state of perceived fear.



Melia Sana

Storrytellers. Wisdom seekers. I write to figure out how to not only survive, but actually thrive in our life