How to Procrastinate

A simple guide to getting things done when you’re a normal person

Shreya Komar
4 min readNov 4, 2020


So, you like Netflix, looking at your phone for hours on end and starting a project that's due at 12 AM, at 11:30 PM. Well, so does everyone else-myself included. Yes, I've been there. After reading through countless non-applicable productivity tips, I’ve decided to take things into my own hands and make my procrastination work for me, because regardless of how productive you are, there will always be some things that you end up procrastinating because you simply just don't want to do them.

And for that very reason, I'm going to teach you how to procrastinate(the right way ), because it's something you'll undoubtedly need in life.

1.Do the little things

If you think about it, there are a lot of little things we need to do in a day that just has to get done: the errands you have to run, the dishes you have to wash, the list you have to make, etc…So when you just don't feel like doing one thing, think of the other things that need to get done. In other words “productively procrastinate” Ironic, isn't it?

For example, I procrastinated writing this article by working on other articles. So even though I was having writer's block for this article, I productively procrastinated and used the time to work on another article that I could work on.

2.Find out when you work best

If there is one thing that you take away from this article then let it be this point: “Figure out when you're the most productive!”. Is it the usual 9 to 5, is it at 2 AM when the rest of the world is asleep or is it after 5 Pm.

Knowing this will prevent not only that guilty feeling you get when you know you didn't get anything done but will also make you more self-confident.

For example, I feel sluggish in the afternoon hours from about 12 to 4 and usually am usually not productive at all during that time. So taking a good nap always sounded better than getting work done.

So instead of trying to force myself to do work, I used the time to take a nap, because even if I tried to get work done, I wouldn't have been efficient enough.

Before, I used to wake up and feel guilty about all the time that I had wasted. But now I’ve learned to listen to my body so I know when I will be able to get work done For me I am the most productive from 5 - 8 and even till late 1 AM sometimes.

People are different and instead of us trying so hard to fit into the time mould that society gives us, why don't we just use what we are comfortable with to our advantage?

3.Be aware of everything you do

This is simple yet impactful but many of us forget to do it. We don't realize that if we do everything with intention and we are aware of what we are doing when we are doing it, we are not actually wasting time.

The unexpected advantage that you gain by doing this is that you feel like you have more time. You find those 10-15 hidden minutes because you're aware and in theory-no time can go wasted.

4.Know what you can and cannot procrastinate

Effective procrastination doesn't come from pushing all your work to the last minute. If you are a good procrastinator then you will know what you can and cannot procrastinate on. Some things may need your immediate attention and other things may not be as important.

Write down a priority list of what you can procrastinate the most and least on. This will give your brain a good picture when it comes to knowing what you can and cannot waste time on.

The higher up the task is on your list, the less you can procrastinate on it and vice versa.

Almost like a to-do list, but less pressurizing.

5.Work hard, play hard

I know this is overused but I just had to put in here because it's so important. I used to constantly catch myself thinking about unfinished work when I was out with friends or just having fun, and surprise!, I never ended up having fun.

So do yourself some justice and focus on having fun when your supposed to and focus on your work when you have to. Not only will you be more productive and efficient but you will also save a lot of time and have much more fun doing it.

When you are parting, just party !

Key takeaways

Procrastination is not good and you could waste countless hours procrastinating something for no reason. But because most of us will eventually find ourselves in this situation one day or another, we need to know how to use it to our advantage and trick ourselves into using it to get our work done.

The goal is to get your work done in the smallest amount of time possible and use the rest of the time to do things you actually want to do, whether it may be relaxing or watching a movie.

It's the very reason that we procrastinate.

So do yourself a favor and learn how to procrastinate properly so that you actually using your procrastination to get your work done.

Do the little things when you don't feel like doing the big things. Find out when you work the most efficiently and use it to your advantage. Be aware of everything that you do and now what things you can and cannot procrastinate

In other words, try turning your bad habit into something positive.

“A day can slip by when your deliberately avoiding what not to do” -BIll Watterson



Shreya Komar

Capturing mundane moments one story at at time. Interested in all things brain related. Mental Health reporter at The Stanford Daily