How To Raise A Resilient Child

The best gift you can give your child is emotional strength.

Erin King
Published in
6 min readFeb 17, 2020


Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash

Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work though difficult problems.” Gever Tulley

When my daughter was three, an unfortunate episode became a lesson on resilience.

Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

I used to take her to programs at the YMCA. I’d drop her off and watch her run to meet her friends. I’d stay and watch for a few minutes and then be on my way, knowing she was safe and having fun.

There was one a little blonde-haired girl that had become her “best friend,” and they’d play together every day.

One day when I picked my daughter up, she told me her friend said she didn’t like her anymore.

She said she didn’t want to be friends.

At that moment, I had a choice to make. I could project my own childhood feelings of rejection and sadness onto her. Or I could make it a teachable moment.

I decided to do the latter.



Erin King

Writer, musician, toddler wrangler. Author: “How To Be Wise AF”, a 30-day prompted journal-find out more on Amazon. Contact me at