How To Rank Your New Website On Google FAST And Get Traffic

Buckle up newbies, cuz your website is finally about to get some traffic

Maaz Naeem
9 min readApr 22, 2023


Image by Author

Let’s say you have created a new website, you’re ready to write loads of content and may have already started to publish some posts. You want to make your own brand and provide healthy and useful content to other people.

Months pass by and you’re feeling exhausted because you’re getting little to no traffic. I know how de-motivating it can be, having a passion for something but that thing not paying you back by any means, it’s awful.

This is the time when you should realize that you might be doing something wrong. What have others done that you might have forgotten that you are now at this stage where you can’t rank on Google even after months?

This is what we’re going to discuss in this post.

I’m going to be sharing with you a Golden Tip to start ranking on Google (or improve your rankings) even if you have recently created your website.

What is this “Golden Tip”?

The thing we’re going to talk about in this post is called the “Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR)” technique.

What is Keyword Golden Ratio?

The Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) is a methodology that utilizes data-driven analysis to identify and locate specific keywords on the internet that have low competition and are therefore underserved.

It works by examining the relationship between the number of search results returned for a specific keyword and the number of searches made for that term.

There are many success stories of beginners utilizing this KGR technique and getting decent results in the first months (and sometimes even weeks).

Why Does This Work?

You’ll have to, instead of targeting keywords that have a high search volume, target the ones that have a lot lower.

Why’s that?

People often tend to go after short-tail keywords because they see that there are a lot of people searching for that term and if they can get their website to rank for one of these keywords, they’ll be set for life.

But the problem is, this never really happens.

You see, you’re not the only one that sees that the short-tail keywords have a lot of search volume, every other guy also does, and in the greed of getting traffic, most beginners tend to target these kinds of keywords that are already being targeted by the big players (the bigger websites I mean).

So, Google has no excuse to rank someone who just created their website a month ago over someone who has been around for 9–10 years, has a DA (Domain Authority) of 80, and has hundreds/thousands of articles on their website. Google would never do that and we can’t blame it.

Its goal is to provide the people searching for that term the best experience by promoting the most authentic content in their eyes, and the high DA websites are its safest bet.

So going after those keywords, as a beginner, is a waste of time.

What To Do Then?

Well, that is where the KGR technique comes in.

With KGR, you’ll have to target specific keywords that fall within a specific range of ratios.

This means that when using the KGR technique, you’ll have to choose keywords that meet certain criteria based on the ratio between the number of searches made for a keyword and the number of search results returned.

KGR technique demonstration by Author

Your main goal should be to make sure that the KGR of the keyword you are going to target in your post is under 0.25.

In this way, that keyword will have a lot less competition which will result in your post getting ranked quicker and better by Google.

What Is Allintitle?

It is a search operator used in Google Search to show you the pages/posts that have the specific keyword, that you have specified, in their title.

Here’s its syntax

allintitle:YOUR KEYWORD

By using this operator, you’ll know how many websites are targeting that keyword to help you in identifying better KGR potential keywords.

Here’s the full methodology for the KGR technique

Suppose my long-tail keyword is “best website builder for beginners”.

Now when I search that on Google with the allintitle operator, these are the results

Google (allintitle) search results for my keyword

Note: When you use the allintitle operator, Google won’t always show you accurate results, so you’ve to go to the 2nd/3rd or last page to get the actual searches.

As you can see, it says that there are a total of 71 web pages or blog posts that have this exact keyword in their title.

Now I have a better understanding of how many people are targeting this keyword and also, and I can now better identify my competitors.

My next step would be to find out how many people are actually searching for this keyword. For that, I have many options, both free and paid, to utilize. The free ones of course have some limitations but they do the job if you are a beginner.

I’ve used a tool by the name of TheHOTH, a free keyword planner tool. You can also use other free tools like KeywordsCloud or Google’s Keyword Planner.

Results of my keyword on TheHOTH

It shows that this keyword is searched approximately 140 times every single month which makes the KGR for this keyword about 0.52 which falls in the doable category.

Although I wouldn’t recommend working on this keyword because it has a high keyword difficulty so ranking on it would be much more difficult regardless of the KGR, this is just an example.

The point is for you to get an idea of how to utilize the KGR technique.

Why Does Google Rank Websites That Follow The KGR Technique?

It’s pretty simple when Google sees that there’s a specific keyword that is being searched many times and not many websites have written for it, they have no other choice than to rank newer websites that are writing content for that keyword.

Bigger websites usually go for short-tail keywords that have higher search volume and higher competition so that they can maximize their conversions, removing their focus from the long-tail keywords which aren’t going to bring them much traffic anyway.

So when you’re among the few websites that are writing content on the long-tail or the ultra-long-tail keywords, Google is sure to rank your website.

And once you gain the trust of your visitors by providing decent and quality content, they are sure to return which is going to improve your image in the eyes of Google.

How To Find Good KGR Keywords?

Once you’ve understood the Keyword Golden Ratio, a question may arise

“How do I find keywords that have good KGR potential?”

And usually, they are the long-tail or ultra-long-tail keywords.

There are many methods you can find these kinds of keywords, both free and paid.

In the free method, you’ll have to do some manual work and search for the allintitle and search volume separately, sacrificing time.

You can use Google Search for this purpose.

Using Google Search to find long-tail keywords

It will recommend you many potential keywords that people are searching for.

You’ll have to test and examine each keyword by checking its allintitle and then its search volume using any of the keyword planner tools I provided.

It might sound like a lot of work, but hey, it's free so it's worth it.

There’s however, another option to this that minimizes a lot of the extra work. Even though it's paid but it saves so much time and provides you with so much content in one place.

You can use the KWFinder by Mangools to search, examine and determine the perfect KGR keyword for yourself.

KWFinder by Mangools results for my keyword

It shows you the search volume, keyword difficulty, and the keyword’s trend, and gives you many more keyword ideas and so much more all in one place. And, their data is also more frequently updated which helps in better identifying good potential keywords.

I personally love this tool as it minimizes so much of my effort and brings all the useful stats for a keyword into one interface.

Go for keywords with a search volume of less than 250 as they are easier to rank for and are recommended for KGR. KWFinder also allows you to do that through its filter section.

Let’s try an ultra-long-tail keyword

Trying an ultra-long-tail keyword, picked from KWFinder

I’ve chosen the keyword highlighted above, let’s search for the allintitle in Google

Google’s allintitle search results for my ultra-long-tail keyword

You see? only 3 total searches, this means that this keyword isn’t being targeted by any big blogs and is easier to rank for.

Let's calculate its KGR:

KGR = allintitle/search volume

KGR = 3/10 = 0.3

It's a good potential keyword that you might have a high chance of getting ranked on Google.

You might say, “You said the KGR should be less than 0.25”.

Yes, you are right, but you also have to keep in mind the fact that no tool will give you 100% accurate data on search volume because it is such a highly variable number.

Due to the frequent change, every tool gives an estimation or an average. The actual number might be lower or higher than the one given by the tool.

And who knows about the trend of the keyword in the coming time, it might get a lot of search volume and if you’ve already written quality content on it, you’ll be safe in the long run.

Some Personal Tips

Here are some of my personal tips regarding the KGR technique.

  • Try to aim for keywords that have a search volume of less than 250: These are generally low-competition keywords and do not have much of the public’s attention.
  • Don’t get discouraged if your first few articles don’t get you results: Your website is still new and it might take Google some time to index and rank your posts regardless of what strategy you’re following. Just keep posting and have high hopes.
  • Keep working on backlinks: KGR is just one piece of the puzzle, you don’t want to dedicate all your time to it and forget about the other pieces. Give some of your time to creating quality backlinks so you can be safe in the long run.

Final Thoughts

It is better to have an understanding of how you should approach the strategy of ranking your new website to stay motivated and keep working on it. We all know how demotivating it can be when you keep publishing posts, without doing proper keyword research and don’t get any sort of results for it.

KGR technique is widely followed by bloggers all around the world and it does get people results. There are numerous success stories of people who have skyrocketed their website traffic just by following this technique.

I hope this post was helpful to you in having a better understanding of the KGR technique. Feel free to do more research about it and implement it so that you can start getting traffic to your website.

Disclosure: Some links in this post are affiliate links. I’ll be earning a small commission if you make a purchase through those links without any extra cost on your end.

Do any questions pop into your mind? Drop them in the comments, I will be more than happy to clear your doubts.

