How To React When Your Loved One Suddenly Disappears

A Story About Ghosting

Lucia Landini


Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

There isn’t a nice way to end a love affair: either it is the wrong moment, or it’s explained with the wrong words, or it is unexpected. For both members of the couple it is a painful experience. Yet, I think the worst breakup is based on ghosting. Your boyfriend suddenly disappears; from a real person he becomes a ghost, because he chooses to do so.

Some time ago, I was dating a nice man who lived in the United States. We couldn’t meet very often, yet in that phase of the relationship it didn’t seem to be a problem at all. I felt the relationship was growing and things were going quite well.

It all changed one day, when I couldn’t speak to him on the phone. We lived in different time zones, so it was not always easy to get the right time for a call: when I went to bed, he started working. But that time he didn’t call back on the same day, or on the following day.

Strange, I thought. The first doubt I had was: maybe something bad happened, like a problem at work or worse, a car accident. Maybe he had a family constraint. He must be in trouble. His telephone is not working, or he lost it. He had to leave on a business trip and couldn’t find the time to inform me.



Lucia Landini

I write about personal growth and relationships. I love reading and sharing happiness.