How to Really Piss Writers Off on Medium

Brandy Eaton
Published in
1 min readSep 4, 2023

Please stop doing this.

Photo by Simran Sood on Unsplash

Those who actually write on medium, spend hours, days, weeks or more writing one article. We put everything into each piece and we are intentional with our words. Some times, we even have writers block and when we finally feel like we created something good enough for our own standards, you, the reader, give us 1 measly clap.

What is that crap?

What was the point of even clapping?

Medium gives us the ability to clap as many times as we want, and you give ONE CLAP?!

Respectfully, leave my page.

Personally, if I read an article and love it, I give 20+ claps and make sure to engage with the writer through comments. If I read an article, and just thought it was ok, I still give at least 10 claps.

Let’s encourage each other, let’s clap for each other, let’s engage with each other. People, like myself, try so freaking hard to make content and see nothing in return because of people who give one, meaningless clap.

Do better.


A writer who is over it.



Brandy Eaton

Jesus above all else. Just an Athletic Trainer/ Fitness Instructor trying to write from home with my cats.