How to Reawaken a Growth Mindset in Your Distance Learning Child

Take advantage of this pandemic moment

Jeanne Yacoubou, MS


Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

By now, your children are likely knee-deep in some form or another of distance learning. If you feel like you’re sloshing along with them in the mud — but desperate for a solution — this article is for you.

As a 12-year homeschooling veteran and former public school teacher, I have realized a couple of things over the years about the nature of learning and how to let it flourish. Here you’ll discover my secret sauce for igniting learning in your kids — no matter the age.

Rest assured: It’s possible to get things on track so your kids are really learning — even during a pandemic with no end in sight. The key is creating space for your child to learn in. Not physical space (although this is important) so much as psychological space. With these tips, your child might actually not hate school — but actually learn something after all!

The problems with school

Mistakes — and the fear of failure that comes along with them — are major reasons why most kids dislike school. Although they may couch it in different terms, it often boils down to this.

For the popular kids, it’s not a real issue. They’re extroverted enough and well-liked by…



Jeanne Yacoubou, MS

3x Top Writer | Climate mom | Environmental writer | Sustainability researcher