Psychology and Mental Health

How to Replace Envy with Admiration for a Joyful Life

Transformational steps for mental health and excelling in the spiritual journey

Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Main)
Published in
7 min readDec 16, 2021


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

The Quality of Emotions Determine our Joy and Success in Life

Every emotion tells us something important is happening in our body and mind for survival. Emotions are messengers and require acknowledgment and assessment.

Some emotions create pleasant feelings and some unpleasant ones. Living with good feelings is a desire for humans.

When some of us see a friend with extraordinary talent, a celebrity with stunning looks, or a neighbor with a luxurious home or a car, we might have a disturbing unconscious feeling. It is the emotion of envy.

In this post, I highlight a natural emotion that creates unpleasant feelings and causes us suffering. This painful emotion is called envy. Of course, there is nothing wrong with envy as an emotion.

However, its effects can produce undesirable feelings and a state of mind.

When we feel envy, we experience discontent and resentment. It usually occurs when we see qualities, possession, and fortune in others that we don’t have…



Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Main)

Scientist, Technologist, Inventor, focusing on HEALTH and JOY. Founder of ILLUMINATION, curating key messages for society. Connection: