How to Run Away from Suspicious People You Meet Alone in Public

You have to think fast.

Aurellia T. Elisha


Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

I met someone suspicious on a travel bus once when I was traveling alone. He kept on pushing me to talk to him even when I show no signs of wanting to continue the conversation.

He asked for my name, where I live, told me about some sketchy business he was running, and how I should follow him to get free clothes.

I doubt that giving me free clothes was his real intention.

I had to endure it for more than two hours. Fortunately, I managed to quickly flee once the bus arrived at its appointed stop.

From then on, I’ve learned how to run away from such people well.

1. You have to be good at lying

The first rule when meeting someone suspicious is to not give away any personal information. You have to lie.

The secret to telling believable lies is by telling half-truths that you manipulate.

For instance, when they ask for your phone number and you couldn’t say no, type down your actual number, but change the last 4 digits. No one will notice your little lie. Just make sure that your phone’s on silent.

2. Get off at a familiar place



Aurellia T. Elisha

Student. Life. Poems. Still trying to figure life out. Come to be inspired and be an inspiration.