How to See Life from the View of a True Environmentalist

The great mind of an early Harvard Grad

Bill Abbate
Published in
6 min readJul 12, 2020


Graduating from Harvard at 20 years old in 1837, he was an American essayist, philosopher, author, poet, and leading transcendentalist. Today, he is best known for his book Walden; or Life In The Woods, published in 1854. This book came out of his experience of immersing himself in nature for more than two years in a small house he built on Walden Pond.

His writings on government were revolutionary at the time as can be seen in his essay titled Civil Disobedience, published in 1849. To this day he is considered a visionary environmentalist with many considering him a father of the environmental movement.

Born Henry David Thoreau in Concord, Massachusetts in 1817, he contracted tuberculosis in 1835, suffering from it off and on, dying at the young age of 44 in 1862. Thoreau was an interesting, intelligent, and complex individual. Whether you agree with his politics or not, you will find great wisdom in his words. I have grouped a sampling of Thoreau’s quotes by subject for easy reference.


“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.”

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”

“Goodness is the only…



Bill Abbate

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author