How To Sell To Gen Z In Easy Ways

Gen Z Is quickly Becoming The Largest Demographic Of Spenders

Randomly Useful
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

A few years ago, the idea of having a mobile phone that has the capabilities of a computer that can fit in your pocket was pretty mind-blowing. But for Generation Z, that’s all they know. They were born with that mobile phone in their hand. Despite Generation Z’s prominence, most marketers and brands are not sure how to capture their attention.

Here are some easy ways you can market your business to Generation Z. Send them quick, relatable messages. Eight seconds is the average attention span for this generation.

That’s down from 12 seconds, which was the average attention span back in 2000. Emojis are a perfect example of this. This generation has grown up with emojis. They have also grown up being constantly served enormous amounts of information.

So they are used to quickly filtering through messages and choosing which ones are relevant to them. When you are trying to grab their attention, find a way to deliver engaging, compelling, and snackable content. If this generation finds you appealing, they will take the time to research you further. Incorporate authentic two-way conversations in your messages.

Traditional advertisements don’t do much for this generation. They aren’t anti-corporate or anti-brand, but don’t want any fluff. They want a relationship. Generation Z expects brands to hang out where they hang out, online and on social media. They want to be able to engage with brands the way they engage with their friends. They want to be able to communicate and chat online. Think about how you can be initiating two-way conversations.

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

If they are on a certain web page for a certain amount of time, can you have an option to chat with a customer representative pop up? That way the buyer can easily have a conversation and ask the questions they need to.

Generation Z has been shaped by the personalization of the digital world. They want marketing that’s personalized to them. As a seller, this might sound like a tall order for you to accomplish. But if this is your target market, take the time to cater to their needs.

Brands must market to Gen Zers with an understanding that they’ll want personalized products and individual service. Put a face on your brand. As much as this generation wants to be treated as individuals, they expect their brands to feel familiar and personal.

Make your brand stand out. Work to showcase your brand’s personality. Build an engaging narrative and backstory. Be accessible and interesting, and most importantly, be relatable. Influencer marketing is ideal for this group. It connects this generation with the people they look up to. Gen Zers idolize bloggers and vloggers for being real and giving honest opinions. One of these stars could go a long way in helping you humanize your brand. Thank them with rewards.

Loyal customers are often willing to trade their name and email addresses for a gift card. Think of a creative way that you can draw in those loyal customers even further. It will lead to higher engagement and more loyalty. Marketers trying to connect with Generation Z should project their philanthropic side and show that they are also committed to a cause.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

It’s a great opportunity for brands to find ways of contributing toward a greater goal that aligns with the company’s ideals and values. 45% of all consumers by 2025 will be Generation Z. If your brand is authentic, and if you as the marketer can think fast, you’re going to find success with this generation. Try to find a way to quickly engage with a Gen Z buyer. But remember to be personal and creative. Strive for instant gratification and you’ll get that with this generation.



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