How to Set & Measure Leadership KPIs: A Guide for Senior Leaders

What leadership KPIs to set and how to measure them

Wendy Scott


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KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are all about organizational results such as sales, efficiency targets, and budgets.

However, most newly promoted leaders aren’t given leadership KPIs or shown how to lead.

Therefore, new leaders learn leadership skills on the fly while striving to meet team KPIs. As team performance depends on leadership ability, this raises an issue.

Leading a team with no leadership training is like driving a car without taking driving lessons.

There you are, a newly minted leader, thrilled to be in your new role and with no idea what to do.

A set of leadership KPIs would help immensely. Imagine what would happen if every new manager received a set of leadership behaviors and instructions on carrying them out.

What meetings to run, how to talk to your team, and how to give feedback — this is not a lot to ask, and it would have made life easier for me in my first management role.

Leadership KPIs are the leadership behaviors that will increase engagement and productivity within the team. But they have to be genuine.



Wendy Scott

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.