How to set your future dreams.

Do you also find it difficult to achieve your goals?

Mr. Harsh
4 min readJul 10, 2024


Photo by Callum Skelton on Unsplash

People growing up, or even many adults, like to set some goals or have some dreams growing up. They like to envision their future or want some things that they would like to have in the future, but only some people’s dreams get fulfilled. You would think that they worked hard and others didn’t, or you’d think they were lazy, but there may be many reasons. It’s not that they don’t have what it takes to achieve their dreams or that they have procrastinated in their younger days. I am here to discuss some of the reasons why many people’s dreams do not come true. I am also trying to achieve my dream and have achieved many small dreams, and on that basis, I am willing to share my experience with you.

Common mistakes while deciding their dreams.

I asked many people about their dreams and the most common mistakes they make to set their goals very high. It’s not bad; rather, it’s a good thing that your dream is bigger than other people’s. The bad is that they don’t know how to proceed with that. Many people I have met have very vague dreams, like being rich or having some specific thing or job. If you want to be rich, then how will you proceed? There are many ways for each person to do different things, and they try to do all things but don’t achieve their goals.and they try to demotivate people by saying I also have a dream, and now, I am here working like a dog.

If you share your dream with small-minded people, then your dream will become small, and if you share your dream with great-minded people, then your dream will expand.

How to set a proper goal.

Let’s assume your dream is a castle in the air, and if you want to reach there, then you have to make stairs from giant blocks of rock, and you can get 70 percent of the work done only by making a blueprint of the stairs. I know many of you would think, Why would I need to use a helicopter to reach that castle? But it’s not how this will work.

Then, how will you get there? The first thing you have to do is know the way or scout the block of stone from which you are making the stairs. Then you can make your stairs; for that, you have to first make the blueprint of the stairs because that will do 70 percent of the job. And if you want to reach that castle, the stairs are the most important. The more detailed the stairs, the easier it is to climb up.
Let’s analyze the above paragraph now. The dream is your castle, and the stairs are your path. The blueprint is the knowledge about your dream that will help you avoid taking any wrong steps. The more detailed the blueprint, the easier it will be for you to climb the stairs, and if you don’t follow the blueprint, you will face many problems, like uneven steps that will stop you from climbing. And the last 30 percent of carving the stairs will be your hard work.

I hope you will understand what I am trying to say.

Advantages of setting your goals higher.

We will again go with the castle analysis. The bigger your goal is, the higher your castle will be, the more unique the view will be from there, and the more unique the castle will be. Let’s assume you have picked your castle. And after making the blueprint, you are carving the stairs, and you have carved half way through, but you can’t go any further. When you have no way to go further, you will look around, and you will see many castles below you. You can occupy other castles. And maybe that castle will be higher than others, depending on your dream.

If your dream is bigger than others, even when you fail, your failure will be more successful than most people.

What are the things that are stopping you?

Setting your goals is a good thing that makes you ahead of others because you have decided what your castle will be. Then you made the blueprint, but you didn’t start to carve up the stairs, which means you have gained all the knowledge you could, but if you are not trying to grab the opportunity or fight for it, then how will your dream come true? If you have decided, then take action and don’t complain.

Take your steps one at a time. Set some small goals in the middle that are related to your main goal, and you won’t find it impossible to achieve them.

Clear your mind>>set a proper dream >>mind map >>first step>>> hard work>> perseverance>> more Hard work >>focus>> almost >>>>you’re finished

Plan for the future; cover your present and learn from the past.

Have you told someone your dream and they started to belittle you? Have you faced this situation in your life? If so, then what have you done?

