How to Setup a VPS Server: A Complete Guide

Alexa Velinxs
Published in
9 min readDec 24, 2023

Introduction to VPS and Its Advantages

The emergence of Virtual Private Servers (VPS) has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals host their websites and applications. Standing distinct from traditional shared and dedicated hosting solutions, a VPS offers a unique blend of affordability, flexibility, and control.

What is a VPS?

At its core, a VPS operates by partitioning a powerful physical server into multiple virtual servers. Each virtual server functions independently with its dedicated resources like CPU, RAM, and storage space. This architecture ensures that your digital assets are insulated from the activities of others, leading to enhanced performance and reliability.

VPS being setup on dedicated server
Photo by Kelvin Ang on Unsplash

Why use a VPS instead of Shared Hosting?

One of the most compelling advantages of a VPS is its scalability. As your website or application grows, you can effortlessly scale up the resources to accommodate increasing traffic and complexity. This flexibility is a boon for businesses navigating the dynamic digital landscape, where traffic can fluctuate unpredictably. Moreover, VPS hosting offers an unprecedented level of control.

With root access to your server, you can customize the operating environment to suit your specific needs, install your preferred software, and implement robust security measures. This level of control is typically reserved for dedicated servers but comes at a fraction of the cost with a VPS.

Selecting and Procuring a VPS Hosting Package

The journey to setting up a VPS begins with selecting the right hosting package, a crucial step that sets the foundation for your server’s performance and reliability. When choosing a VPS hosting plan, consider the following key factors:

  1. Traffic Expectations: Assess how much traffic your website or application anticipates. This estimation will guide you in choosing a plan with adequate bandwidth and processing power.
  2. Storage Needs: Determine the amount of disk space required for your files, databases, and media. Opt for a plan that provides sufficient storage, keeping in mind future growth.
  3. Resource Requirements: Evaluate the CPU and RAM needed for optimal performance. A resource-rich plan ensures smoother operation and better handling of peak traffic times.
  4. Budget Considerations: VPS hosting plans come at various price points. Select a plan that balances cost with the features and resources you need.
  5. Operating System Choice: Decide on the operating system (OS) for your VPS, like Linux distributions (Ubuntu, CentOS) or Windows. Your choice should align with the software and applications you plan to use.
  6. Control Panel Options: A control panel, such as cPanel or Plesk, offers a user-friendly interface for server management tasks. If you’re not tech-savvy, a control panel can simplify the management of websites, databases, and emails.

For an exemplary VPS hosting experience, we recommend RackNerd. Known for their reliable service and robust infrastructure, RackNerd offers a range of VPS hosting plans starting as low as $10/year that cater to various needs and budgets. Their plans are designed with scalability and performance in mind, ensuring your website can grow without constraints. Explore their hidden deals only available at to find a plan that aligns with your requirements.

Gaining Access to Your VPS via SSH (Secure Shell Access)

Once you’ve selected and procured your VPS hosting package, the next step is to establish a secure connection to your server. SSH, or Secure Shell Access, is the standard method for securely accessing your VPS’s command line interface over an encrypted channel. This protocol is essential for administering your VPS, allowing you to perform a wide range of tasks from installing software to configuring server settings.

To log into your VPS using SSH, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain Server Details: You’ll need your VPS’s IP address, which serves as its unique identifier on the internet, and the login credentials (username and password or SSH key) provided by your hosting provider.
  2. Open a Terminal: On your local computer, open a terminal window (Command Prompt or PowerShell in Windows, Terminal in macOS and Linux).
  3. Initiate SSH Connection: Use the SSH command to connect to your VPS. The basic format is ssh username@your_server_ip. Replace “username” with your provided username and “your_server_ip” with your VPS’s IP address.
  4. Authenticate Your Login: Enter your password when prompted. If you’re using SSH key authentication, ensure your local machine has the private key associated with the public key stored on the server.
  5. Trust the Server (First Time Only): The first time you connect, SSH will ask you to verify the server’s fingerprint. Confirm the fingerprint to proceed.
  6. Successful Login: Once authenticated, you’ll access the command line interface of your VPS, ready to start configuring and managing your server.

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Updating Your VPS for Optimal Performance

After establishing a secure connection to your VPS, it’s crucial to ensure that it’s running the latest software versions. Regular updates are vital for security, performance, and stability. Outdated software can leave your server vulnerable to security threats and performance issues. Here’s how to keep your VPS updated:

  1. Log into Your VPS: Use SSH to access your server. If you’re unsure how, refer back to the previous section on gaining SSH access.
  2. Update Package Lists: Before updating software, refresh your package lists. This ensures you get the latest versions available. The command varies depending on your operating system. For Debian/Ubuntu, use sudo apt update. For CentOS/RHEL, it’s sudo yum update.
  3. Perform System Updates: After refreshing package lists, proceed to update your system. Use sudo apt upgrade for Debian/Ubuntu or, sudo yum upgrade for CentOS/RHEL. Confirm the installation of updates when prompted.
  4. Reboot if Necessary: Some updates might require a reboot to take effect. Use sudo reboot to restart your VPS.
  5. Set Up Automatic Updates: To reduce manual effort, consider setting up automatic updates. Tools like “unattended-upgrades” for Debian/Ubuntu or “yum-cron” for CentOS/RHEL can handle this task.

Regularly updating your VPS is a non-negotiable task for maintaining a secure and efficient server. Skipping updates can compromise the integrity and performance of your digital assets.

Creating Users and Modifying Privileges

A best practice in server management is to operate under a non-root user account with sudo privileges. Operating directly as the root user is risky; a single mistake can lead to significant issues. Here’s how you can set up a new user and modify its privileges:

  1. Create a New User: Log into your VPS and enter `sudo adduser newusername` Replacing “newusername” with your desired username. Follow the prompts to set up the account.
  2. Grant Sudo Privileges: If this user needs administrative rights, add them to the sudo group using `sudo usermod -aG sudo newusername. ` This command grants the ability to execute commands with superuser privileges.
  3. Modify Privileges: For more controlled access, edit the /etc/sudoers file with `sudo visudo`. Here, you can define specific privileges for your new user.
  4. Disable Root Login: For enhanced security, disable direct root logins. Edit the SSH configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config, find the line PermitRootLogin yes, and change it to PermitRootLogin no.
  5. Test the New User: Log out from the current session and try logging in with the new user’s credentials. If granted sudo privileges, test them with a command like sudo apt update.

Creating a non-root user with appropriate privileges is a fundamental security measure. It helps in safeguarding your VPS against accidental misconfigurations and potential security breaches.

Implementing Public Key Authentication for Secure Access

Securing your VPS includes strengthening your authentication methods. While passwords can be effective, especially when complex and regularly changed, public key authentication offers a more robust layer of security. This method utilizes a pair of cryptographic keys to authenticate your login, making unauthorized access significantly more challenging. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Generate a Key Pair: On your local machine, use a terminal to generate an SSH key pair. The command ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 initiates this process, creating a public and a private key.
  2. Copy the Public Key to the Server: Use ssh-copy-id username@server_ip to copy your public key to your VPS. Replace “username” with your VPS username and “server_ip” with its IP address.
  3. Secure Your Private Key: Store the private key in a secure location on your local machine. If you set a passphrase when generating the key, it adds another security layer.
  4. Configure the Server: SSH into your VPS and edit the SSH configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config). Ensure the PubkeyAuthentication line is set to ‘yes’.
  5. Restart SSH Service: Apply the changes by restarting the SSH service using sudo service ssh restart.
  6. Test the Setup: Try logging in with the SSH command using your private key. If set up correctly, the server should now authenticate you with your private key instead of a password.

Implementing public key authentication is a powerful step towards securing your VPS. It not only bolsters security but also simplifies the login process for authorized users.

Configuring a Firewall for Enhanced Security

A firewall is a vital component in securing your VPS. It acts as a barrier between your server and the internet, controlling incoming and outgoing traffic based on predefined rules. Here’s how to set up a basic firewall:

  1. Connect to Your VPS: Use SSH to log into your server.
  2. Check Existing Rules: Before creating new rules, check any existing ones with sudo iptables -L.
  3. Configure Firewall Rules: Define which services you want to allow through the firewall. For example, to allow SSH connections, use sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp — dport 22 -j ACCEPT.
  4. Set Default Policies: Establish default policies for handling traffic. For instance, to block all incoming traffic by default, use sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP.
  5. Save the Rules: Ensure your rules persist after a reboot by saving them with sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules.
  6. Test Your Firewall: Before ending your session, verify that your firewall settings are correct and that you can still reconnect via SSH.

Configuring a firewall is an essential step in safeguarding your VPS. It helps prevent unauthorized access and can be configured to suit your specific needs.

Hosting a Website with VPS

After setting up your VPS and securing it, you’re ready to host a website. This step involves installing a web server and other necessary software. Here’s a basic outline of the process:

  1. Install Web Server Software: Common options include Apache and Nginx. Use a package manager to install the one that suits your needs.
  2. Set Up Database Server: For dynamic websites, install a database server like MySQL or MariaDB.
  3. Install PHP (if needed): If your website uses PHP, install it along with necessary modules.
  4. Configure Your Web Server: Adjust the configuration files of your web server to meet your website’s requirements.
  5. Deploy Your Website: Upload your website files to the server, usually to a directory like /var/www/html.
  6. Test Your Website: Access your website using your VPS’s IP address to ensure it’s running correctly.

Hosting a website on your VPS offers flexibility and control, allowing you to configure the environment to match your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Setting Up a VPS

What is a VPS and how does it differ from shared hosting?

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a hosting solution where a physical server is divided into multiple virtual servers, each with dedicated resources. Unlike shared hosting, where resources are shared among all users on a server, a VPS offers more control, better performance, and enhanced security.

Is managing a VPS difficult for beginners?

Managing a VPS can be challenging for beginners, especially those unfamiliar with command-line interfaces and server management. However, many hosting providers offer managed VPS services, where they handle the technical aspects, making it easier for beginners.

How do I choose the right VPS hosting provider?

Look for a provider with a strong reputation, reliable customer support, competitive pricing, and scalable plans. Providers like RackNerd offer a range of options catering to different needs.

What are the key steps in setting up a VPS?

Key steps include selecting a hosting plan, accessing the server via SSH, updating software, creating users with appropriate privileges, setting up public key authentication, configuring a firewall, and hosting your website or application.

How important is security for a VPS?

Security is crucial for a VPS as it directly impacts the safety of your data and the integrity of your hosted services. Regular updates, strong authentication methods, and a well-configured firewall are essential.

Can I host multiple websites on a single VPS?

Yes, you can host multiple websites on a single VPS, provided you have sufficient resources (CPU, RAM, storage) to handle the traffic and data of all the websites.

What should I do if I encounter issues with my VPS?

If you face difficulties, consult the documentation provided by your hosting service, seek help from their customer support, or engage with community forums for troubleshooting. For complex issues, consider professional technical assistance.

You have now setup a VPS

The journey of setting up a VPS can be both exciting and daunting. Throughout this guide, we have navigated the essential steps, from choosing a reliable provider like RackNerd to securing your server with advanced measures like public key authentication and firewalls. The process requires diligence, a willingness to learn, and a proactive approach to security and maintenance.

As you move forward, remember that the VPS landscape is ever-evolving. Staying up to date on the latest developments, engaging with the community, and being open to new solutions will greatly enhance your experience and success in managing a VPS.

With the foundational knowledge and skills you’ve gained, you are well-prepared to harness the full potential of your VPS, whether it’s for hosting a dynamic website, running an application, or managing a business platform. Embrace the journey ahead with confidence and curiosity. If you ever need to upgrade your VPS then check out Racknerd’s hidden deals where you can get VPS for as low as $10 a year!

