How to Simplify Your Life in Less Than 4 Minutes

Four things I quit to simplify my life.

Luay Rahil


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Five years ago, I met Larry, who changed my life by encouraging me to do less, not more.

I used to focus on being as productive as possible by filling my day with tasks, appointments, and a to-do list.

However, no matter what I accomplished, I always felt disappointed because I believed I should have done more. This all changed when I met Larry. He is a successful man who chooses not to travel more than five days per month, prioritizes having dinner with his kids five days per week, and coaches their baseball team. Larry isn't the wealthiest person I know. He's the healthiest and happiest person I know.

I asked Larry how he achieves more than most people but seems to work less. He replied", "Everything changes when you define what is enough for you."

Larry earned enough money to spend, save, and invest. He traveled just enough to keep his company profitable while focusing on what truly matters: his family. Larry aimed to have dinner with his kids 25 days a month and to coach the kids' baseball team 3 times a week.

After following Larry's advice, I experienced a deep sense of contentment. Embracing simplicity taught me that true happiness often comes from doing less, not…



Luay Rahil

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.