How to speed up the mobile version of your website.

Mobile version passed 90.

Todd Williams
4 min readApr 13, 2021


NitroPack the mobile version past 90.
Todd via

In the year 2021, Google changed its requirements.

One of the factors that Google is now considering is the speed of your website.

In the past, getting the desktop version of your website over 90 was pretty easy and straightforward, but getting the mobile version of your website past 50 was difficult to impossible.

AMP (Accelerated mobile pages)

Even if you used AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), it was difficult to get past 60 for your website’s mobile version.

Personally, I did not like AMP.

I did not like AMP because, after implementation, Google kept telling me that my AMP website’s pages had errors that needed to be fixed.

After I fixed those errors, new errors developed on other web pages that needed to be fixed.

I tried different AMP plugins, and after two weeks, I noticed that AMP only increased my speed slightly. AMP was providing a lot of headaches and was not providing any real benefits. So, I stop using AMP.


Many talked about the greatness of Cloudflare.

I used Cloudflare, and it provided the desktop version of my website with over 90, but the mobile version never got past 59.

Cloudflare the mobile version never got past 59.
Todd via

Plus, Cloudflare kept getting disconnected, and every other day I would have to reconnect Cloudflare. This could have been my internet host, or it could have been an issue with the free version of Cloudflare.

I read Cloudflare’s user guide, and it states that the free version only does 3 website pages. Thus, most of the desktop pages of my website were not optimized.


I tried a plugin called LiteSpeed.

LiteSpeed gave every desktop webpage version of my website over 90, and provided a consistent mobile version of 59. I achieve this speed without using a LiteSpeed server. I was using the Apache server.

LiteSpeed gave me all the benefits of the free version of Cloudflare and without any of the headaches.

Cloudflare the mobile version never got past 59.
Todd via

After this, I was done working on increasing the speed of my website.


I was looking for a CDN, and by chance, I saw a YouTube video on NitroPack.

I tried NitroPack, and it gave my desktop version a 99 and a mobile version of 90. Yes, a mobile version of 90 with no AMP. I was amazed, excited, and could not believe it.

NitroPack the mobile version past 90.
Todd via

I tested it repeatedly, and the mobile version never dropped below 78, and this is the free version of NitroPack.

NitroPack the mobile version never got past 78.
Todd via

Plus, NitroPack not only optimizes every page of your website (desktop and mobile) it is also a CDN. Their prices are lower than Cloudflare’s, and you get more for the money.

How To Set Up NitroPack

You do not set up NitroPack like an ordinary plugin.

You first have to go to NitroPack’s Website and sign up. After filling out all the information, go to your website backend, download and activate the NitroPack plugin.

After it is connected to your website, give NitroPack’s website 1 hour or more to optimize every page on your website.

To see which pages have been optimized, you have to login to NitroPack’s website. If there are pages that have not been optimized, delete these pages in the NitroPack’s website, and NitroPack will reoptimize them.

If all of the pages have been optimized, then go and test the speed of your website.


I thought about using Google’s CDN. However, Google does not optimize your website pages, and it seems like a nightmare to set up.

So, for us none tech people, I recommend NitroPack. I do not work for NitroPack, and NitroPack is not paying me in any way.

I figured there are many like me. People that are being droved nuts by Google’s requirements and need help.

Creating my website only took 3 weeks. It is a small website, only 60 pages.

Trying to figure out Google’s requirements and implementing them took me 3 months (website speed, SEO, Ad Sense). It is a full-time job, and I still have not been approved for Google’s Ad Sense.



Todd Williams

I am trying to provide information to other that I wished I knew years ago..