How to Spend Time with God, When You Don’t Have the Time

Thea Williams
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2022

It’s not what you think.

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Are you someone who innately knows something is missing in your life and perhaps getting in touch with Source may fill the void?

Are you in eternal pain and think maybe relief is at the end of a yoga session?

Are you one of those people who have read or heard about the benefits of meditation and thought, “Hmm, maybe I should try that?”

But there are so many reasons you don’t. Your day is jam-packed with things to do and it simply gets put aside.

Well, this may help.

YOU ARE ALWAYS WITH GOD. There is never a time you are not. The problem is you just haven’t taken the time to have a conversation.

For some, It’s like a roommate or spouse. They are there every day but you don’t make an effort to have a good chat. Perhaps you just got comfortable. You may even think you gotta nothing new to say. “Good morning”, Are we out of toilet paper?” and “Good night” seems sufficient.

Being with someone and talking to someone are 2 different activities.

It may have crossed your mind, that taking the time to reconnect, would be a good idea. but then you get all weird. You have become so accustomed to the situation. Your ego is like, “forget it, dude, you’re good. What’s on TV?”

It’s OK, have no guilt, because guilt is a mind fuck. You created guilt. It’s a man-made concept passed down from the generations, that you simply accepted.

If you are Catholic, well you better damn well have guilt because that’s what sinners eat for breakfast. Repent you old fool.

Well, I am here to tell you, that you have nothing to be ashamed of. You were born perfect. A perfect child who is playing on a new ball field. You’re just trying to figure out who has the ball and where it goes in order to score!

The truth is that you have the ball and you have already scored. You got a temporary ticket to do what you wish, so go play. Know God has not gone anywhere.

He is in everything you see and touch. He is in every human and creepy crawly thing you have the pleasure to cross paths with. He is in every oat sprout and Oak tree. He is in every bowl of oatmeal!

You don’t have to make time to be with God, you are with every breath.

When you look into another human’s eyes or gaze at a brilliant sunset with the realization that it is all God, you may just find yourself feeling more peaceful. This peace will call you, and invite you to drink more from the cup of “AHH”

You may just begin to wonder, what it is like to have a conversation with this bliss. What does it have to say?

Communing with God and being with God are 2 different things. God is everywhere but his favorite place is in joy.

Your ball of joy is always with you. Throw it around, and experiment with it. How high can it go, and how fast can it roll?

If you want to score more touchdowns, first you gotta take the ball out of the box. Sit with the ball and ask it, “What shall we do today?”

That is the start of a beautiful conversation.

Blessings, Thea- lover of all things magical.

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Thea Williams

The Soul Gardener. cultivating inner strength, well-being, BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Hypnotherapist, I.E.T and E.F.T practitioner.