How to Spot a Toxic Boss Who Could Ruin Your Career

And three ways you can deal with it

Wendy Scott


Photo by Mikael Seegen on Unsplash

If you have a sneaky feeling that your boss is up to no good and stuffing up your career prospects, you could be right.

Those hard-won years of building a solid reputation could be going down the gurgler quick smart if you don’t spot what’s happening and take action.

It can be hard to spot toxicity at first. What these bosses say seems to make sense. They are confident and often blind you with jargon and business-speak that sounds OK at the time.

But behind the smile and the apparent concern for the team’s well-being, they could well be plotting your demise. OK, maybe not your actual death, but your work demise in the form of redundancy, demotion, or pay cut.

Their toxicity is hard to pin down as they may present like Doris Day, while inside, they have the cruel, twisted heart of Cruella de Vil.

“Toxic bosses often exhibit narcissistic and psychopathic traits. They abuse their positions of power and they lack empathy for other workers.” — Study Reveals How Damaging a Toxic Boss Really Can Be,

According to, working for a toxic boss can damage your health too. Researchers at the Stress Institute at Stockholm University found that…



Wendy Scott

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.