How To Stay Fit During The Holidays

A Realistic Guide

Syed Ahmed
9 min readNov 6, 2023


Photo by Tiraya Adam on Unsplash

The holidays are a minefield for fitness routines. Last year, I remembered stepping on a scale after the holidays, the number glaring back at me was not just a figure — it was a testament to every festive meal and missed workout. I’ve been in the trenches of holiday fitness, just like you. you can navigate the holiday season without feeling like you’re choosing between joy and fitness.

This isn’t about running extra miles to ‘earn’ your holiday dinner or forgoing your favorite foods. It’s about weaving wellness into your celebrations in a way that feels so natural, that you’ll barely notice you’re doing it.

In this guide, we’re ditching the “do’s and don’ts” and focusing on the “hows.” How to listen to your body, how to enjoy the feasts mindfully, and how to keep moving in ways that bring you joy.

So, let’s get ready to tackle this holiday season together — with no unrealistic promises, just a clear plan to keep you feeling good from the first toast to the final countdown.

Traditional holiday fitness advice often reads like a pre-emptive strike on festive indulgence. “Burn off those holiday calories,” the headlines scream, or “Stay away from the dessert table!” The implication is clear: to enjoy the holidays is to fall off the fitness wagon. This mantra not only sets us up for failure but also ignores the rich tapestry of what it truly means to be ‘fit.’

Photo by Oliver Sjöström on Unsplash

Fitness, especially during the calorie-laden holiday season, has been narrowly defined as a physical pursuit — a stark measure of calories in versus calories out. This perspective is not just outdated; it’s incomplete. It fails to account for mental health, the joy of savoring your favorite holiday foods, and the importance of self-compassion during a time that can be stressful for many.

My philosophy shifted during one holiday season when, instead of spending extra hours in the gym, I chose to play snow football with my nieces and nephews. I was breathless, laughing, and fully immersed in the moment. That was when it clicked: this is wellness, too. I was moving my body, yes, but I was also nurturing my soul with joy and connection.

Redefining holiday fitness means expanding our view to encompass mental well-being, allowing ourselves to indulge mindfully in seasonal delights, and replacing self-criticism with self-care. This approach doesn’t just keep us ‘fit’ in the traditional sense; it nourishes us at every level. This season let’s redefine what it means to stay fit — it’s about holistic health that lets us fully embrace and enjoy the holidays.

When the holiday chaos unfolds, our best-laid fitness plans can unravel. That’s where SMART goal setting comes into play — but with a holiday twist. We’ve heard it before: goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Yet, when life is sprinkled with impromptu family gatherings and last-minute office parties, these criteria need a little… grace.

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

I learned the art of flexible goal-setting one December when a back injury benched my high-intensity workouts. Instead of aiming for a certain number of gym sessions, my goal morphed into a daily movement of any kind. Some days that meant gentle yoga, others it was a walk to see neighborhood lights. This flexibility led to a surprising win: I ended the season more in tune with my body’s needs than ever before.

So, how can you tailor SMART goals to your holiday schedule?

· Be Specific, but Simple: Instead of “exercise more,” try “a 15-minute walk after dinner.” It’s clear and doable, even on busy days.

· Make it Measurable, yet Forgiving: Track your progress, but don’t fret the occasional miss. Celebrate consistency, not perfection.

· Aim for Achievable, not Astronomical: Set goals that acknowledge the reality of holiday demands. Maybe that’s two home workouts a week instead of your usual four.

· Keep it Relevant, with Relevance: Your goals should match what’s important to you during the holidays — like staying energized or finding calm amid the storm.

· Time-bound, but Time-wise: Give yourself the holiday season as a timeframe, with the understanding that each day might look different.

Grab a notebook or open a note on your phone and jot down your tailored SMART goals. Consider sharing them with someone close to you; this act of sharing can be a powerful commitment device. By setting goals with grace, you’re not only making a promise to yourself but also adapting to the joyous unpredictability of the season.

The holidays don’t have to mean a choice between deprivation and overindulgence. Enter “The Festive Plate,” a concept that invites balance and satisfaction to the holiday table, incorporating principles from nutritional psychology to ensure we’re feeding more than just appetite — we’re nourishing contentment.

I remember one New Year’s Eve, post-feast, feeling that all-too-familiar pang of guilt as I avoided my reflection. It wasn’t just the food; it was the guilt that was hard to digest. That’s when I decided to approach holiday eating with a different recipe — a recipe for balance. The Festive Plate isn’t about counting every calorie; it’s about making room for both nutrient-dense foods and those soul-nourishing holiday specials.

Here’s how to build your Festive Plate:

· Start with Veggies: Half your plate can be filled with colorful vegetables. They’re not just fillers; they’re rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Think roasted Brussels sprouts with a balsamic drizzle or a vibrant winter salad with pomegranate seeds.

· Pick Your Protein: A quarter of your plate should be dedicated to protein. It’s satiating and necessary for maintaining muscle mass. Opt for roasted turkey, a slice of glazed ham, or a lentil loaf if you’re plant-based.

· Choose Complex Carbs: Reserve the remaining quarter for complex carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes, quinoa, or a scoop of stuffing offer energy and fiber.

· Add a Touch of Tradition: Now, the final touch — select a small portion of your favorite holiday treat. Whether it’s a slice of pie or your aunt’s famous casserole, this is your nod to tradition and joy.

Photo by Lauren on Unsplash

By constructing your Festive Plate, you’re making choices that respect both your health and your holiday spirit. It’s about enjoying the full spectrum of holiday fare with mindfulness and pleasure, not punishment.

The holidays are a tapestry of tasks and traditions, an unlikely backdrop for what I like to call “Integrative Exercise Routines.” This approach finds fitness in the fabric of festive activities — from lunging with shopping carts to calf raises while hanging ornaments. It’s about stitching movement into every corner of your celebrations.

Imagine a day steeped in the holiday spirit. There I was, standing in the kitchen, waiting for the kettle to whistle, performing countertop push-ups. As the day unwound, every chore became an opportunity. Wrapping gifts? That’s a chance for “Present Squats.” Watching the season’s favorite film? “Movie Marathons” were in order, jogging in place during the storyline’s lulls.

Here are 10 Integrative Exercises to sprinkle throughout your holiday hustle:

· Shopping Cart Lunges: At the grocery store, lunge forward with each step as you push the cart.

· Countertop Push-Ups: While waiting for the oven timer, place your hands on the edge of the counter for push-ups.

· Present Squats: Perform a squat each time you reach for a new gift to wrap.

· Movie Marathons: Jog in place or do high knees during the quieter scenes of your holiday film.

· Ornament Calf Raises: Stand on your tiptoes while hanging decorations high.

· Snow Angel Abs: Lie on your back and do leg raises similar to making snow angels.

· Dinner Table Dips: Use your dining chair to perform tricep dips before sitting down to eat.

· Dishwasher Rows: As you unload the dishwasher, practice bending at the waist and extending your arms like a rowing machine.

· Laughing Lunges: Do a lunge each time someone tells a joke at family gatherings.

· Gift-Giving Glute Bridges: While lying down to slide gifts under the tree, perform glute bridges.

Photo by bady abbas on Unsplash

These exercises aren’t just whimsical; they’re practical. They turn moments of waiting or routine into opportunities for wellness. By embedding these activities into your day, you’re not adding to your to-do list; you’re transforming it.

Amid the clinking of glasses and the chorus of festive songs, the holidays can still summon a symphony of stress that tests our mental and emotional mettle. This season, let’s give equal billing to the guardians of our wellbeing: mental resilience and emotional balance.

In the whirl of winter gatherings, I found solace in morning meditations, which grounded me in calm before the day’s merry-making commenced. It was a simple ritual: five minutes of deep breathing, followed by a moment of gratitude for the day’s coming joys and challenges.

Here’s how you can foster your mental and emotional fitness this holiday season:

· Breathe with Intention: Start your day with deep breathing exercises. Inhale the potential of the day, exhale the unnecessary pressures.

· Cultivate Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal. Each evening, note down one thing the holidays allowed you to appreciate anew.

· Set Emotional Boundaries: Recognize when to step back. If a situation becomes overwhelming, allow yourself a moment of retreat.

· Mindful Moments: Amid the bustle, pause to observe the sensations around you — the warmth of a loved one’s hug, the fragrance of pine. These pauses can be your anchor.

Stress may be an uninvited holiday guest, but you have the power to set the terms of its visit. By incorporating these practices, you’re not just surviving the season; you’re thriving through it, with your mental and emotional health in check.

The holidays often cast a spotlight on temptations, especially the sweet and savory treats that seem to be everywhere. Last year, I chose to step away from the usual “resist at all costs” mindset. Instead, I embraced the gingerbread and the eggnog, but with a mindful twist.

There was a Christmas Eve where the table was a mosaic of my grandmother’s recipes — each dish a memory, each bite nostalgia. I served myself a sliver of each dessert, a sample of flavors to savor slowly. With each taste, I paused, letting the spices and sweetness dance on my tongue, genuinely tasting, not just eating.

Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

Here’s how you can indulge mindfully:

· Use Your Senses: Before eating, take in the aroma, admire the texture and color, and taste.

· Small Servings: Allow yourself to enjoy a small piece of everything, rather than a large portion of one thing.

· Eat Slowly: Take the time to chew thoroughly, which can enhance satisfaction and aid digestion.

· Stay Present: Engage in conversations between bites, focusing on the company and the moment.

By transforming indulgence into a deliberate act of enjoyment, you’ll find that a few mindful bites are worth more than many mindless ones.

As the holiday lights twinkle, I’m reminded that fitness is more than a number on a scale — it’s laughter during a snowball fight, it’s peace in a quiet moment by the fire. This season, let’s redefine fitness as a tapestry of actions and intentions, woven together with threads of joy and self-care.

I encourage you to carve your path through the holiday hustle — one that honors both your health and your happiness. May the strategies shared here light your way to a season that’s merry, bright, and balanced.

I’d love to hear how you’re making this holiday season uniquely well. Share your story or plan in the comments, and let’s inspire a festive fitness journey together.



Syed Ahmed

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