How To Stay Mentally and Physically Healthy When Travelling

Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2021


Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

When I am travelling for work related purposes, I usually do not bring along my dumbbells. Simply, because I am too idle to pack them in my luggage and drag them along. I do not have much time to visit the gym too, due to my tight schedules. I have to attend meetings and company activities in the morning and evening.

Workouts are one of the most important tasks that I love doing in the morning. It makes me feel refreshed, grounded, energized and happy throughout the day. So how did I manage to complete my workouts without using an equipment or heading to the gym?

Photo by Lopez Robin on Unsplash

Here are some body weight workouts that I do in the hotel room. These workouts can be completed within fifteen minutes.

Warm up: Shadow box for three minutes. (Full Body)

First workout: Regular push-ups. (Chest, Shoulders and Triceps)

Second workout: Bicycle crunches. (Abdominals)

Third workout: Superman. (Back)

Fourth workout: Heel taps. (Obliques)

Fifth workout: Squats. (Legs and Glutes)

