How to stay MOTIVATED & earn as a SMALL Youtuber

Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2022
Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

if you are a new content creator like me and feel demotivated, don’t worry you are not alone !! I understand all you can think about at this point is how on earth you gonna get those 1000 followers and 4000 hrs watch-time, me too!

Hey, I am Saj from midlands UK, originally from India. I am an entrepreneur who for the last decade has been selling on Amazon however I have been trying to get my feet wet with content creation which is what has also led me to the Medium platform. In this article, I want to share with you alternate ways to make money and keep the fire on within till the time Youtube gods(algorithm) starts blessing you in form of Adsense.

Repurpose your content

1: Blog

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

One of the best ways to use the content you already have is if you are like me and many others who write a script either in full or bullet points then you can reformat it in a BLOG post. now you don’t necessarily need to start your blog/site, you can write and submit your articles on platforms like Medium. Medium only needs you to have 100 followers before you can start monetising your articles which doesn’t take that long compared to youtube monetisation.

2: Podcast

Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash

Once you have recorded your youtube video, you can use software to rip just the audio part of it and submit it as a podcast on various platforms like iTunes, Spotify in fact, you can use platforms like Anchor which allows you to host unlimited content for FREE and distribute and monetise your content on Spotify.

3: Course

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Another way you can leverage videos is by creating additional intro and outro’s and converting it into a digital course that can be sold on platforms like Skillshare or if you are serious about creating a community around your content then you can create your course on platforms like Gumroad, Teachable, Kajabi etc where you are in more control of the ecosystem

4: Affiliate links

Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

One of the most common ways to start earning money and the quickest is by placing links with your content. This doesn’t have to be very complicated, it could just be a simple day to day item you use as a creator for eg: your desk, microphone you use for recording. additionally, you can always promote services like Audible and recommend books you are reading, suggest cashback sites and earn referral bonuses as i do. if it was a tool that helped you resolve it, you can refer and earn a referral bonus.

5: Brand deals and Sponsorship

Now you might think wait a minute !! who will be willing to sponsor a small creator at an early stage however let me tell you big brands reach out to big creators but some small businesses and brands lookout for creators with a smaller audience too. I was at about 50 subs give or take and made this video about microphones to use with an iPhone. 2 small brands from Amazon reached out to me to promote their private label mic on Amazon.


So what I want to conclude here is I understand you might have got into Youtube or content creation journey in general via other platforms like Tiktok or Instagram to make a lot of money after watching famous Youtubers videos relating to how much they got paid for a certain video, in a month or a year and feeling demotivated that such success seems too far. these alternate small wins will help you stay in the game and give a nudge from time to time that you need to keep going on and who knows maybe some of these smaller alternates work out better in long run and make you more money and bring more success for you. if you are a beginner content creator/blogger here on Medium or other platforms feel free to comment your thoughts and if you have any other ideas which might help a fellow HUSTLER !!




An Entrepreneur, hustling to create content in form of blogging, Youtube & Tiktok. I like to create content related to Money, Mindset & Hustle