How To Steal Prompts From AI-Generated Images and Make Them Yours

Make money stealing(not really) and selling AI Art



created by author in Canva

If you’ve been alive on the internet lately. You know how AI-Generated art is exploding all over the place which just leaves you wondering “how the hell did you do that”.

When I came across people sharing their portraits or their “creative art”(whatever that is) on my Instagram feed, I just have this urge to comment “what prompts did you use to generate that image”.

But, guess what people either never give you the details or the prompts simply don’t work the same for you when you generate the image yourself.

So, after spending some good time admiring and creating my own art. I’ve come across these goldmine of tools that can actually give you accurate prompts based on the picture that you saved to your gallery the other day(yes I know).

In this article, I will give you a detailed rundown on some key features and how to use them effectively. Here are some questions you might ask:

  • What are AI-generated Images? example.
  • What are the tools?
  • what do you need to get started
  • How much does it cost?
  • How accurate are the prompts? do…




I talk about Automation, Business, Making Money Using AI, YouTube. Creator Economy is Here, Lets make the most out of it together.