How To Stop Giving a Fuck (and Stop Seeking Approval): in 4 Simple Steps

A step-by-step guide on how to not give a fuck.

Nishi Kashyap


Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Okay, so here is my confession:

I have spent almost my entire life-20 years-seeking other’s approval, worrying if I’m cool enough for them, caring too much not to offend people, doubting myself, questioning my appearance, asking myself if I am being judged.

I have been giving too many fucks for the things that didn’t matter at all and it’s so fucked up to live like that.

It has made me someone who self-doubts herself before doing anything. What are they gonna think about me? What if they got offended? What if it’ll not work out? What if? What if?…. It’s crazy, right?

A few days ago I stumble upon these words of author Mark Manson:

“You’re going to die one day. And in a short amount of time between here and there, you have a limited amount of time of fucks. Very few, in fact. And if you go around giving a fuck about everything with everyone without conscious thought or choice — well, then you’re going to get fucked.”

Mark's words cut deep inside my heart, it made me realize that I only have one life to live and here I am sitting wasting my time by giving way too many fucks to make myself as…



Nishi Kashyap

Mystique Writer: tech, coding, life, self improvement, money and much more. Love to Laugh & Read and obviously SLEEP😴