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How to Strengthen Self-Discipline

Mark Sanford, Ph.D.
Published in
4 min readSep 30, 2022


Five steps to foster a formidable will to achieve

Everyone struggles with self-discipline in personal development work at one time or another. It often comes down to the moment of decision: Do I indulge or hold back? Now there are some answers for how to better deal with this moment.

This essay will show five ways to forge the development of self-discipline. Hopefully, after a careful read, you will be better prepared to make the decisions you want.

Self-Discipline and Self Control

Human beings have only one faculty for tackling this decision: their rational consciousness.

Self-discipline means rational self-control; it means making choices based on one’s best possible reason.

Surrendering choice to whim, passion, or desire is surrendering reason to the control of the irrational. And that, most agree, is less desirable. But, as we all know, you win and lose some in this perpetual battle.

Life isn’t someplace in which to amuse yourself with repetitive distractions. It is, for most, an open opportunity to achieve what you want if you have the discipline.

Self-Discipline and Freedom



Mark Sanford, Ph.D.

Ph.D. sociology. I help those working on personal development to attain self-respect and self-affirmation.