How To Survive 12 Months On Medium

I’ve just done it, so can you

James Gwynne


Photo by Bentham Nourizi on

April 2021 is the 12 month marker for me on Medium. Prior to the turn of the year in 2020, a project like this seemed out of the question. My time was too consumed by trying to strike the work/life balance, that I hoped would also put me on the path to paying down the mortgage and slowing down, however this meant working harder for less of a quality gain.

On reflection, with knowing what I know now, this was a selfish and short-sighted position to take, not really taking into account what worked for my wife and children and not coming from a centre of principal.

I was put on a training course by my company which has really helped me to manage my time better, which has led to my take up of writing on Medium.

I’ve now been writing on Medium for 12 months with money being a secondary win to the initial reasoning, which is true satisfaction in a hobby. Prior to April 2020 I had been thoroughly enjoying reading on Medium and I took the plunge to pay for it. Then once it’s paid for, why not write?

During the pandemic I was able to re-focus how I go about my working life, making sure that when I am on my employer’s time, I’m producing work that is pushing myself and the business in a positive direction and can seemingly manage my time better…



James Gwynne

Proud Husband and Father. I manage a Letting Agency business in the Midlands UK. Avid writer and information absorber. I occasionally play guitar too!