How to Tell A Girl That You Like Her

Without appearing needy.



Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you want to tell a girl you like her without getting rejected, you have to tell her without appearing needy.

Most guys often make the mistake of passionately confessing love to a girl that they don’t know anything about. But as much as you may want to be honest and bold about how you feel, this approach rarely ever works.

Here’s why:

First of all, confessing love to a girl you know nothing about will most likely come off as weird. I mean, how do you like someone you don’t even know? It makes you come off as needy and insincere. She’ll most likely feel that’s how you go about confessing love to random girls hoping to get laid.

Secondly, girls love to feel like they made you fall for them. If she feels like she didn’t have to do anything to make you like her, she’ll most likely reject you or just feel there’s something off.

Hence, if you want to tell a girl you like her, you have to first lay a foundation. Never tell her you like her out of the blue.

Two Ways to Tell A Girl You Like Her

There are two parts to this: First of all, there’s the part where you tell a girl you already know that you like her.




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