How to Start Writing a Book PT 2

Universal Unity Unleashed
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2023

Warning ⚠️: This article will be very short. It is very informative however concise. This is part 2 of “How to Start Writing a Book”. This was highly recommended, in order for people to be well aware of what is needed to writing a non-fiction factual book.

⭐️Writing a non-fiction history book involves meticulous research, citing credible sources, avoiding plagiarism, and ensuring your content doesn’t defame or misrepresent individuals or events. Hiring a legal expert to review your manuscript can also help minimize potential legal risks.

1. Thorough Research: Use credible sources and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy.

2. Citation and Referencing: Properly cite all sources used in your book to avoid plagiarism.

3. Fact-Checking: Double-check facts and verify information to ensure accuracy.

4. Avoid Defamation: Be cautious with language; avoid making false claims that could harm someone’s reputation.

5. Obtain Permissions: Seek permission for copyrighted material, including images, quotes, or excerpts.

6. Consult Legal Experts: Have a lawyer specializing in publishing review your manuscript for potential legal issues.

7. Disclaimers: Consider adding disclaimers to clarify any potential biases or limitations in your research.

8. Be Transparent: Clearly distinguish between factual information and interpretations or opinions.

The Sky is the Limit ❤️




Universal Unity Unleashed

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