How To Think With Your Heart and Let Nature’s Beauty Be Your Guide

The heart is the gateway to life

Remy Awika
4 min readApr 30, 2021


After everyone had some time to wallow in their minds and re-evaluate their life, the sacred topic of spirituality is turning into a circus.

No matter how much you read about it, the information seems all too similar.

Words and more words trying to explain a world that is not understood through words.

We've reached a point where we can explain things in simple terms. Or we think we can. We focus on the left side of our brain to help us find all the answers. At the same time, we neglect the other side of it where all the beauty lies.

Logical thinking and reason are the reason we haven't answered life's simplest questions. The answers you’re looking for are not ones we can explain with the primitiveness of our languages, but ones that we can only understand with our emotions.

This sounds all too confusing.

How can one explain things with emotions and a lack of words?


R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz termed it Heart-intelligence. From his works and many others, you can understand why with all our progress we seem to have fewer answers and a lot more problems. In our past, we have severed our connection with the spirit world. We've turned our attention instead to the material world. A world that exists to sustain life, not be the centre.

In ancient writings, the teachers of old understood that we cannot explain matters of the heart in a language created by humans. Instead, they used sounds, fables, allegories, symbols, and images.

It makes me think of the saying: "a picture paints a thousand words". If you think about your day for a minute, consider this:

What better way to describe your mood than through music? Can’t a picture or a painting put you in tune with your emotions much better than a writer can with his extensive vocabulary?

Observing Nature

How something makes you feel is a lot more powerful than the way you word it. Words are a means and even in words lie hidden messages missed by he who is not paying attention.

Can you not understand yourself by looking at nature? She is silent, yet expresses herself with subtle beauty.

It seems like the harder we try, the further we drift away from the truth. If you would like to understand how you grow as a person, consider planting a seed in a pot. Nurture it with the Earth's primal elements and watch it grow. Some seeds grow into trees and reward you with fruits, others blossom into colourful flowers, some turn into leafy plants and some never grow.

Things take time, and time is what most of us are afraid of wasting. At the same time, mistakes are a given and sometimes it takes a few tries to get things right.

In all our efforts to become more efficient, wasting time is what we have become masters of.

Modern spiritual gurus sell you the idea that you can quickly rise to your higher self. If you believe you are a being of nature, why would her laws not apply to you?

The simplest way to understand how much time things take is to consider your own life and your own progress. Think of the time it took for you to say your first words. The time it took for you to gain control over your cognitive functions. The years you’ve spent getting an education. The more years for you to grow from childhood to adulthood.

Quick fixes are a standard in today's world. In contrast, they only lead to their demise. Good things always take time. Patience is a skill reserved for the wise man, not the fool.

How your heart speaks to you

Whether you prefer to call it intuition, your higher self, or simply God, we are speaking the same language. The very language that we have desperately tried to make sense of.

When making daily decisions, there are 3 aspects of yourself that are active.

The Ego, the negative self that strikes fear, doubt, and all other lower emotions that stop you from taking action. We can call it the animal in man, as all these are survival instincts.

Cerebral intelligence, or logic and reason. For it to be viable, it needs opposition. It can only explain itself through observation of the physical senses and interpreted through the best of our knowledge into readable data. You see this battle happening in the scientific world each time someone comes up with a new theory. Fellow scientists, or rather "competitors", look for ways to oppose it. Some scientists spend more time defending their ideas than coming up with them.

Innate intelligence, or intelligence of the heart, related to Nature. Intuition, by definition, is the ability to gain knowledge without the use of conscious reasoning. A simple way to understand it is to consider these ideas that pop into your head that seem to come out of nowhere. I'm sure in your life, as in mine, you happen to know things without any recollection of how you've acquired this knowledge. It's something that comes from your soul, from the cosmic, from your true natural self. Chasing after those "wild ideas" is what leads geniuses to their success.

Balancing these 3 is one of the fundamental steps on the path to enlightenment. To have your heart speak the loudest. To follow your intuition wherever it might take you. To be in harmony with nature, with your brothers, and with yourself.

I leave you with this beautiful lesson from the Tao teachings.

Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong — Lao Tzu



Remy Awika

Student of the Mysteries, inspired by creativity and happiness.