How To Thrive In A Recession

The best ways to not only survive but also thrive in the forecasted 2023 recession.

Erick Masaku
4 min readMay 2, 2023



The economy has been taking a beating ever since the Fed decided to start hiking rates. Interest rates have risen to 2007 levels, the job market is weakening and banks are in trouble. Just in 2023, we have seen three of the largest bank collapses in history.

Knowing this you can take one of two options: either wait for the government to save you (if they ever will) or you can follow me on this journey to abundance where I will show you how to avoid the 3Ds of a recession: defaults, divorce, and death.


I see you chose financial freedom. In every recession, businesses close, houses are repossessed and auctions rise. Defaults become the new normal. Rates of homelessness are highest during recessions. Unsurprisingly in every recession, divorce rates increase significantly. Families are torn apart, some never to be reunited again.

Unfortunately, suicide rates spike in every recession. In 2008, numerous excess deaths were reported across the world. The departed soul ends up leaving undue emotional pain and financial burden on their families and relatives causing endless pain.

This is not what anyone plans for their life. So would you believe me if I told you there was a way to avoid it all. Not just avoid the downturns but actually thrive in a recession.

Let’s begin. (Follow me if you haven’t already!)

In this recession, you need to be able to survive so that you can thrive. So let’s talk about survival. Surviving a recession can be challenging, but there are some steps that you can take to help protect your financial well-being during times of economic uncertainty. Here is a breakdown:

1. Build an emergency fund

Ensure that this emergency fund can cover at least three to six months of your living expenses. This can help you weather financial storms and avoid taking on debt during tough times.

2. Reduce debt

During a recession, job loss or reduced income can make it difficult to keep up with debt payments. If you have outstanding debts, try to pay them down as quickly as possible, focusing on high-interest debts first.

See my article on Escaping the debt trap

3. Cut expenses

Look for ways to reduce your expenses, such as by canceling subscriptions you don’t use, cooking at home instead of eating out, and reducing your energy consumption.

4. Increase your income

Consider ways to increase your income, such as by taking on a side gig or freelancing, selling unwanted items, or asking for a raise at work.

In all this Remember, the key to surviving a recession is to be prepared, stay calm, and focus on the things you can control. With careful planning and wise financial decisions, you can protect your financial well-being and come out stronger on the other side.

Now let’s look at how you can turn a situation that most people fear into a golden opportunity. To not only be able to weather the storm but to come out on top. So, are you ready to learn how to turn a crisis into a triumph? Let’s dive in.

See also: The 7 Best Assets to Own for Building Wealth

Thriving and succeeding in a recession requires a proactive and strategic approach. Here’s how you can plan for the recession:

1. Identify opportunities.

While a recession can be a challenging time, it can also present opportunities for those who are prepared. Look for areas of the economy that may be more resilient during a recession, such as healthcare, education, or certain types of technology. Also, consider areas where demand may increase, such as budget-friendly goods or services.

2. Be adaptable.

During a recession, it’s important to be adaptable and willing to pivot your career or business to meet changing market demands. Stay open to learning new skills and exploring new opportunities. Most importantly, if you are laid off, take the time to invest yourself by learning high-value skills such as coding, data analysis, problem-solving and emotional intelligence among others.

3. Focus more on customer needs

Whether you are undertaking a side hustle or running your business, focus on customer needs. Understand that in a recession, customer needs may change, so it’s important to stay attuned to what your customers are looking for and adapt your products or services accordingly. Providing value and exceptional customer service can help you stand out and thrive in a tough market.

4. Maintain a positive attitude.

A recession can be a stressful and uncertain time, but maintaining a positive attitude can help you stay focused and motivated. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people, and take time to practice self-care to maintain your mental and emotional health.

5. Invest strategically.

While a recession can be a challenging time to invest, it can also present opportunities for long-term gains. Stocks and real estate are good avenues. Markets tend to tank during recessions and so it is important to have spare cash that you can invest when people are scared. Also, consider working with a financial advisor to identify undervalued assets or stocks that may perform well over time.

Remember, success during a recession requires a combination of strategic thinking, adaptability, and a willingness to take calculated risks.

By staying focused, maintaining a positive attitude, and being open to new opportunities, you can thrive and succeed even in difficult economic times.

Read my article on Habits to Eliminate in 2023

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Until later, au revoir, bis spater.



Erick Masaku

Writes about personal finance, investing and self improvement. Follow me for a well researched and curated daily dose of money and growth insights.