How to Transfer an Article From Illumination to Illumination-Curated

Please read it carefully to avoid any future inconvenience

Dew Langrial


Image by minka2507

Illumination stands for its writers — we are essentially a writer’s community. But some of the writers have not fully understood the fine points.

We have written complete curation guidelines, a step-by-step process explanation, and FAQs to help you to submit your stories.

All articles and stories must comply with Medium rules to be published by Illumination editors. If a writer breaks a rule, the editors will remove his or her story from the publication.

How can you transfer your stories from Illumination to Illumination-Curated and why?

You must understand a few details for transferring your articles from Illumination to Illumination-Curated and know your responsibilities as a writer:

Transfer from Illumination to Illumination-Curated

The writers can submit a draft to either Illumination or Illumination-Curated after Illumination adds them as a writer.

Once you are added as a writer, you’ll see the publication names in your list of publications.



Dew Langrial

Living life in awe of it all. Hoping to make sense. A Thinker, Writer & Storyteller. Working on my tech startup. Visit me at: