How to Truly Fix Your Life in 2024

Ways to actually transform

Generalist Insight
6 min readApr 16, 2024


Photo by ulleo on Pixabay

This is the most insightful piece I’ve ever written, and I won’t leave anything out. In fact, this post might be the moment when everything changed, the turning point that you can look back on in a few years when you’ve accomplished amazing things and say, “That’s when I fixed my life.”

The five actions

Learning these five essential actions can help us genuinely make a difference in our lives. I used to be a typical teenager who put off doing everything that was a little bit difficult, but these five steps have helped me become a disciplined man.

The first step to fixing our lives is creating productive habits that become as normal for us to do every day as brushing our teeth. These five steps have the power to transform anyone’s life from an ordinary teenager who watches Tik Tok and plays video games into a successful student, a businessman, or even an athlete. It may be hard to believe that one single post can change so much in your life, but I’ll prove it in this article.

Which behaviors ought we to cultivate?

What behaviors should we start forming and how do we go about doing so?
We can actually utilize a cheat code to trick our brain into creating beneficial habits on autopilot, but first, let’s talk about the kinds of habits we should cultivate.

Habits fall into two types. Instant gratification habits are those that reward us right away but gradually make our lives worse over time. Believe it or not, this is probably the most important lesson we can learn. There are two types of instant gratification habits: those that happen right away and those that take time to develop.

For instance, scrolling through social media may be enjoyable at the moment when we come across a hilarious video, but over time, engaging in this behavior on a daily basis shortens our attention spans, making it more difficult for us to concentrate on what is truly essential.

Delay gratification, on the other hand, refers to activities that feel a little difficult while we’re doing them but ultimately improve our lives. For instance, reading a non-fiction book can be more difficult at first than watching Netflix, but over time, it increases our knowledge and increases our likelihood of making wiser decisions in the future.

The key here is to spend less time on instant pleasure and more of our days engaging in delayed gratification behaviors.

I decided to focus on three habits to help us delay gratification: exercise, meditation, and work. As I mentioned earlier, I’ll reveal the secret cheat code to help us create these three habits. After giving it a lot of thought, I’ve come to the conclusion that these three habits are the most beneficial. It is just as natural for us to perform on a daily basis as cleaning our teeth.

1. The sneaky cheating code

First, begin doing these daily; second, make them simple to perform; third, start with just three minutes of morning meditation; fourth, start with just thirty push-ups each morning; and fifth, work for just fifteen minutes each day.

The trick is to remember that it only takes the brain 21 days to become accustomed to a new behavior; the trick is that the amount of time we spend on these habits is actually insignificant.

We can stick with them for the full 21 days because, after that, it will be simple to keep up the practice. Establish a regular time for yourself to meditate for three minutes, perform 30 push-ups, work on a project for fifteen minutes, or focus on anything else you want to.

As the practice gets easier, we can gradually increase the amount of time spent on these three habits. It may at first appear a tiny bit trivial, but trust me when I say that it made a huge difference for me.

2. Our contributions

Our influences, which lead me to step number two, positive influences and knowledge, are the second aspect that significantly determines how our lives change.

We are the average of the top five people we spend the most time with in the current world because we spend so much time watching YouTube and following others, according to an incredibly compelling saying you’ve definitely heard.

The new, updated version of this proverb states that, just as our friends and family shape our perspective and ideas about what is achievable, so too does the information we consume. We are the average of the top five individuals from whom we consume the most content.

Thus, begin consuming content from people who positively affect you. For instance, start watching YouTube videos and reading books from people who share their tales about how they improve, since this will encourage us to think that what we are attempting to do is also achievable.

When attempting to improve in any way, including grades, finances, or other areas, most people overlook one important consideration: our mental health. This is the third component in making your life better.

3. Our psychological well-being

The third element in improving your life is your mental health. I know what you’re thinking, this sounds dry and unnecessary, but that’s what most people think, which is why most people don’t make progress. They overlook this important component. If we feel unhappy due to our mental health issues, we also won’t perform as well in business or education as we would if we were enjoying it.

The straightforward explanation is that when we are happy, we perform better. So how can we become happier? There is a very easy morning exercise called the Gratitude Journal that only takes a few minutes to complete and has been scientifically shown to make people happier.

Gratitude Journal

I’m grateful for the warm cup of coffee on my table because it’s chilly outside and tastes really wonderful. This is what I put down this morning. Take two minutes to sit down with a pen and paper and think of one or more things that you’re now grateful for.

The interesting thing about this practice is that, despite the fact that it may seem strange or even ridiculous, if we do it frequently over a few days, our brain will automatically begin to generate more things for which we are thankful throughout the day, which will improve our mood significantly.

To conclude the third point, we’ve covered three steps to improve our lives — our influences, our lifestyle and habits, and our mental health — and we may become happier by practicing appreciation. Happier people do better.

We still need two more items to complete Our Purpose in order to bring about this change.

4. Our Goal

The fourth phase is our mission and purpose. What is it that we want to do in life? I’m not talking about achieving this grade, earning this amount of money, or getting this wonderful thing.

No, I’m talking about something far more significant: what is your major purpose in life? It’s acceptable to not have an immediate response to such a large subject; instead, take some time to consider it.

Simply take ten minutes the next time you’re idle to jot down your thoughts. If you knew that all of your dreams would come true, how big would you dream?

Then you’ve found your solution.

5. Moving forward

Taking action is the final and most crucial stage in the guide, and it comes at a time when you’ve absorbed a lot of new information. You have exercises at your disposal that will help you live a better and more fulfilling life.

Most viewers will find this post to be very good, but they won’t take the necessary action. You must start making behavioral changes if you want this essay to truly have an impact on your life.

Change your life; the choice is now yours. That’s all I have to say.

