How to Turn Criticism into an Opportunity for Growth

Try to separate yourself from the criticism and focus on the message, not the messenger

Séverin Makengo
3 min readApr 18, 2023


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Criticism is inevitable in life.

Whether it comes from a boss, a friend, or a stranger,

Criticism can be hard to take and even harder to use for our benefit.

However, criticism can also be a valuable source of feedback, insight, and growth if we know how to deal with it effectively.

Here are some tips on how to handle criticism and learn from it:

1. Know the difference between constructive and destructive criticism

Constructive criticism is usually specific, factual, and respectful, while destructive criticism is often vague, emotional, and rude.

2. Don’t take it personally

Criticism doesn’t define your worth as a person. It’s just someone’s opinion or perspective on something you did or said.

It doesn’t mean that you are bad, wrong, or incompetent.

It just means that you have room for improvement or that you have a different point of view.

Try to separate yourself from the criticism and focus on the message, not the messenger.

3. Listen with an open mind

Instead of getting defensive or shutting down, try to listen to what the critic is saying and why they are saying it.

Try to understand their perspective and their intention.

Ask questions if you need clarification or examples.

Listen for what you can agree with or learn from the criticism, even if you don’t agree with everything.

4. Thank the critic for their feedback

Even if you don’t like what they said or how they said it, thank them for taking the time and effort to share their thoughts with you.

This shows that you respect them and that you value their opinion.

It also helps to diffuse any tension or negativity that may arise from the criticism.

A simple “Thank you for your feedback” or “I appreciate your input” can go a long way in maintaining a positive relationship with the critic.

5. Reflect on the criticism and decide what to do with it

After listening to and thanking the critic, take some time to process what they said and how you feel about it.

Don’t react impulsively or emotionally to the criticism. Instead, think about whether the criticism is valid, relevant, and helpful for you.

Decide whether you want to accept, reject, or modify the criticism based on your own judgment and criteria.

6. Take action based on your decision

  • If you decide to accept the criticism, then take steps to implement the suggestions or changes that the critic offered.
  • If you decide to reject the criticism, then let it go and move on without dwelling on it or letting it affect your self-esteem or performance.
  • If you decide to modify the criticism, then find a middle ground between what the critic said and what you think is best for you.



Séverin Makengo